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Sorcha Faal, as reported to her Western SubscribersFW

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Sept. 25, 2015

An absolutely shocking new report prepared by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) for the use of President Putin during his upcoming meeting with President Obama at the United Nations warns that the American leader has become “ecstatic” (defined as the mental transport or rapture from the contemplation of divine things) and is “without doubt” under the influence of Sunni Muslim messianic fervor believing that his actions will accelerate the coming of the Al-Mahdi (the Mahdi).

According to this report, since taking office in 2009, President Obama has affiliated himself with the Sunni Islamic theocracy of Saudi Arabia, which by law forbids religious minorities from practicing their religion, and has created for himself a de facto alternate capitol city in Beverly Hills, California, which hundreds of Saudi princes now call home, some of them even being allowed to sexually brutalize women. 


Of the closest of these Saudi princes to President Obama, this report continues, is prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, who in 1988 helped his young protégé, who would become the future American President, to enter into Harvard Law School.

Another of prince Al-Waleed bin Talal’s protégés, this report explains, was an Iraqi Islamic scholar named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who, in 2009, President Obama ordered released from the US militaries  Camp Bucca detention center in Iraq where he had been held as a “grave security threat” since 2004.

Upon President Obama ordering al-Baghdadi’s freed in 2009, this report says, US Army Colonel Kenneth King, then the commanding officer of Camp Bucca, failed to comprehend that this Saudi trained Sunni Islamic scholar would become the world’s most feared terrorist, but did note that al-Baghdadi stated upon his release, “I’ll see you guys in New York”.


Immediately after al Baghdadi was released, however, this report continues, President Obama further ordered the US military to turn over to the Iraqi army billions-of-dollars of weapons, armor and other war making materials which were then stationed in and around the Iraqi city of Mosel.

This is a critical point to note, this report explains, because when President Obama failed to come to an agreement with Iraq to allow US forces to remain in Iraq, and they were subsequently all removed in 2011, al-Baghdadi’s forces captured Mosel as Iraqi government forces fled thus giving him, in essence, a “ready made army”...along with over $425 million in cash and gold making al Baghdadi and his followers “the world’s richest terror force”.

Once armed with weapons and war material generously supplied by President Obama, this report says, al-Baghdadi then solidified his forces becoming what is known now as the Islamic State…ISIS/ISIL…declaring that he was the now the rightful leader of Islam, immediately after which he began receiving massive funding from not only Saudi Arabia, but Kuwait and Qatar too


Critical to note about why President Obama and his Saudi and Gulf State allies have supported al Baghdadi and his ISIS/ISIL terrorists, this report states, is the Sunni Islamic belief that our world is in the “end times”…a belief also shared by Shiite Muslims.

In the competing “end times” narrative between the Sunni and Shiite branches of Islam, however, this report explains, President Obama has sided with the most radical version supported by Saudi Arabia and its Sunni allies…which calls for a world being led by Muslims and the extermination by genocide of all disbelievers, or their conversion.

Chillingly, this report continues, this “end time” view of President Obama’s and Saudi Arabia’s ISIS/ISIL was recently confirmed by German journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer, the only Western reporter ever allowed to have access to the high command of this terrorist state, who grimly warned that ISIS is a 'nuclear 'tsunami' that wants to wipe hundreds-of-millions from face of the earth and stated: “I don't see anyone who has a real chance to stop them.”


Even though Todenhöfer doesn’t see anyway to stop ISIS/ISL, this report says, President Putin does, and as evidenced by the tacit” agreement secretly reached between the US and Russia this past week.

Standing in President Putin’s way, however, of actually achieving this agreement to end ISIS/ISIL, this report warns, is President Obama himself…who on 19 September requested a meeting with President Putin proposing two possible dates, but then yesterday lied and said President Putin requested this meeting stating that Russia’s leader was “desperate.

Even worse, says this report, President Obama, in his and Saudi Arabia’s latest effort to protect ISIS/ISIL, blocked Russia's proposal to include the ISIS/ISIL on the UN Security Council's sanctions list as an independent organization.

And going from the merely frustrating to the outright comical in dealing with the ISIS/ISIL global threat, this report continues, President Obama not only supported making Saudi Arabia the head of the United Nations Human Rights Council this week, his administration actually said they welcomed it!

As to how President Obama can morally justify making Saudi Arabia the UN leader in human rights, this report states, defies all common logic as that nation has not only beheaded over 100 people this year, including children, but has, also, copied ISIS/ISIL and reinstated the barbaric ritual of crucifying to death those who break their religious laws.

To if President Obama’s messianic fervor in Islamic “end times” theology can be stopped, this report concludes, is not known. 

What is known though is if President Obama’s madness isn’t stopped, our world will plunged into total war.



Other reports to read on the September 2015 War include:Putin Authorizes Air Strikes On “American Interests” As Thousands Of Russian Troops Pour Into Syria   Fears Explode In Russia After Obama Orders Sudden 9/11 Type War Drill   Russian Troops Put On Combat Alert Over Obama Regime False Flag Fears  Putin Activates Shocking “Defend Israel” Atomic War Plan  US-EU Refuse To Accept Massive List Of 87,000 Islamic Terrorists From Russia  CIA Breaks With Obama, Vows To Help Russia Defeat ISIL/ISIS  Russian Atomic Bombers Ordered To “First-Strike Zones” As Germany Nears Collapse  Russian Report States Total Defeat Of US Military Would Take 3 Weeks

September 25, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.