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Mathew Staver Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Oct. 1, 2015




Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel



CNSNews is among the few news organizations reporting on the outrageous hypocrisy of President Obama and his administration as they attempt to manipulate Pope Francis.  The CNSNews headline shouts, "Obama Touts Religious Liberty to Pope While Litigating to Force 15 Dioceses to Cooperate in Abortion."



At Liberty Counsel, we have also experienced the administration's high-handed assaults on the religious liberties of people of faith as we have been in our nation's courts fighting on their behalf for the entire tenure of Obama's presidency.


Please see my important message below – Mat.



Dear Concerned Citizen,


Yesterday, President Obama propagandized his administration's role in protecting a fundamental American liberty by telling Pope Francis and the world:


"So we stand with you in defense of religious freedom and interfaith dialog, knowing that people everywhere must be able to live out their faith free from fear and free from intimidation."


This is among the most stark two-faced statements to emerge from the lips of this lawless President, as CNSNews reports:


"At the same time, according to a count maintained by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, Obama's Justice Department is actively fighting 56 separate federal court cases aimed at forcing 140 religious ministries and institutions to cooperate with an Obamacare regulation that requires virtually all health care plans in the United States to cover contraceptives, sterilizations and abortion-inducing drugs and devices.  



Among the religious institutions involved in these lawsuits with the administration are 15 Catholic dioceses and archdioceses, and multiple Catholic universities, schools and religious orders.


In 2012, after the administration published its contraceptive-sterilization-abortifacient regulation, Bishop Zubik published a column on his diocesean website saying that the Obama administration was telling American Catholics to go to blazes.


As you know, Liberty Counsel has been fighting against ObamaCare's immoral mandates since the day it was signed into law. Despite the recent Supreme Court ruling, which, in essence rewrote the law, we still affirm that ObamaCare's individual and abortifacient mandates are unconstitutional and therefore unlawful.


+ + Please support our Push For Liberty!


United we stand. Divided we fall.  We must stand together and push for liberty.  There is an unprecedented movement of discrimination in the public square directed toward Christians who oppose same-sex "marriage" and the recent unjust ruling by the Supreme Court.  Christians who stand for and speak for biblical truth are now considered "fair game" for oppression and prosecution.


As I write to you today, over a quarter-million people have joined Liberty Counsel's "Push for Liberty" campaign.  These Americans know the truth about the underreported assaults on our religious liberty being aggressively advanced by homosexual radicals, the Obama administration, the ACLU, judicial activists, and misguided federal, state, and local officials – just to name a few.


I'm asking you to prayerfully consider sending your best tax-deductible gift to Liberty Counsel to help us fight in court and expand our Push For Liberty while we also continue other litigation efforts. Please go here now:



+ + The American people are not living "free from fear and free from intimidation" as the President would have the Pope believe.


We are on the leading edge of the courtroom battle in defense of the rights of Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis, and many others.  We must take on those who want to purge Christianity from the public square each and every time our faith comes under attack.  These cases have national significance.


Right now, Liberty Counsel is being inundated with requests to defend the religious liberty many other public officials, as well as that of private-sector business owners and many others.  These principled people are potentially facing life-changing ultimatums of court-ordered fines, incarceration, loss of employment, or dismantling of their livelihood.


That is among the reasons why it is vital that we have even more supporters of our Push for Liberty campaign.


Christians are being pushed, threatened, and intimidated by bullies seeking to silence our voice.  Start fighting back today by supporting the Push For Liberty campaign!


As you know, we do not charge for our legal services and instead rely entirely on the generosity of friends like you.



Thank you and God bless you,


Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. In response to the political agenda of the Obama administration during the Pope's visit, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee said, "This is a new low for an administration that will go down as the most anti-Christian in American history."


Catholic League President Bill Donohue also referred to President Obama's staff as "[T]he least friendly administration to religion in history…"


It is the height of hubris for our President to claim a record of protecting religious freedom while the facts belie the statement.  Let us know that you stand with us and support Liberty Counsel's Push for Liberty and our extensive litigation work.



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+ + Comments? Questions?


Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776