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YouGov Poll: 29% of Americans Would Support a Military Coup

Joshua Krause

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Sept. 15, 2015

As it stands today, our government is a constitutional republic in name only.

Our nation is ruled by wealthy oligarchs and special interests, and there is plenty of blame to go around for this situation. No society falls to these depths without at least the implicit consent of the population, and even the most ruthless of governments can’t survive if its citizens refuse to go along with the program.

So it’s safe to say that the American people are at least partly to blame for the sick institutions that rule over them. And if that’s the case, you have to ask yourself, what might our society come to accept in the future? If our lack of resistance has contributed to the corrosion of our civil liberties and the growth of our unbounded government, then nothing is off the table. If we’re willing to put up with this, what won’t we put up with? What sort of system might our society produce in the future?

If recent polls are to be believed, then a military dictatorship is certainly a possibility. After a West Point professor entertained the possibility of a coup occurring on American soil two weeks ago, (which led to his resignation) YouGov decided to poll 1000 American voters on their opinion of the military, and whether or not they would support a military takeover. The results were fairly shocking.

    In a new survey by YouGov, 29 percent of respondents said they can imagine a situation in which they would support the military taking control of the federal government – that translates into over 70 million American adults. Forty-one percent of respondents said could not imagine supporting the military taking over the country.

Republicans (43 percent) were more likely to say they can envision a scenario in which they could support a military coup than Democrats (20 percent). Perhaps that difference is related to having a Democratic president who some critics on the right see as overstepping his power.

Regardless of political ideology, one reason people might support a military coup is because they respect officers in the military far more than they do people in Congress. According to the same YouGov survey, almost three-quarters (70 percent) of respondents believe that military officers want what is best for the country, while only 29 percent think the same of members of Congress.

Lawmakers better shape up or they might be shipped out — literally.

The poll also found that 55% of the population believes that the police want what’s best for the country, while 24% thought that they were only interested in what’s best for themselves. The other categories, which included Congress, local politicians, and civil servants, went in the other direction. The majority of those polled thought that the people in these categories were self-serving.

In other words, most Americans have a lot of confidence in the armed enforcers of government, but very little confidence in the politicians and bureaucrats in our government. This is a rather dangerous trend when you think about it, but it’s not exactly a new one.

Every year gallup asks Americans about their confidence with 15 major segments of American society. The police and the military routinely top the list with overwhelming support, while no other government institution inspires confidence among the majority of voters. That includes the presidency, the Supreme Court, public schools, the justice system, and Congress. Also near the bottom, is the media, big business, and the banks.

Essentially, most Americans have completely lost faith in the system, and the powers that be. The only people they still trust, are cops and soldiers.  And a society that trusts its armed enforcers more than everyone else, including the people they vote for, is a society that is ripe for a coup.

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