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FW:  July 4, 2015

President Obama has armed terrorists across the Middle East, provided aid to Islamic nations, and sided with Muslims at nearly every turn. In 2013, the President gave $195 million in aid to Syrians over the month long holiday of Ramadan. This year he’s giving $500 million!

Instead of giving away millions in foreign aid we should be getting to the root of the IRS scandal and the more recent VA scandal. Why, in America, are we unwilling to give our Vets the proper care and treatment they deserve? Obama should demonstrate solidarity with Americans, not Syrians, and stop sending holiday “donations” to foreign countries and terrorists. 

As the country stands in the throes of numerous scandals, real Americans stand to celebrate our nation’s independence and freedom.

President Obama had a different idea, however, on how to spend the upcoming holiday. He greeted a group of visiting Muslims leaders from around the United States and the world on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, describing it as the time for self-reflection and devotion through prayer and fasting:

Across the globe, Muslims will be assembling to celebrate a rich tradition with fasting and prayer, as generations have done every year since the time of the Prophet Muhammad.

Ramadan is an occasion when Muslims around the world reaffirm their commitment to helping the less fortunate, including those struggling because of economic hardship and inequality. If the 1% can make over $1 million a year, but you and your family can barely afford to eat, should the government not help spread the wealth? We are grateful to the many Muslim American organizations, individuals, and businesses that are devoted to creating opportunity for all by working to reduce income inequality and poverty. Let us remember not to be “owned” by our possessions or be beholden to earthly goods, but to embrace paying our fair share.

America is a great land – filled to the brim with freedom loving Americans of different races and creeds. So shouldn’t every American have the chance to celebrate what they wish, as they wish? Look back into history and ask yourselves whether a revolution and our nation’s independence was good for minorities. Great Britain may not have been completely correct in their views, but they had many things right, including abolishing slavery decades before the United States.

Why then on the Fourth of July should American Muslims celebrate an obvious split from God’s will? Sadly, we’ve grown up being told to fear government as a sinister, tyrannical enemy. Ignore those voices. Government is a beacon of good in the world, something your family and friends cannot do without. If the power of government is limited, how will this great nation continue to prosper?”

Some in the crowd applauded while some looked confused. Desperate for clarification, one Legislative Aide present at the meeting asked President Obama, “Do you believe we shouldn’t celebrate our Independence Day?”

President Obama responded, ”Let us celebrate the changing face of America. Not where we’ve been, but where we aim to be.”