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Obama's 'Impeachable Offenses' outlined


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FW:  June 15, 2015

The book that started the movement

Dumping Obama was unthinkable before 'Impeachable Offenses'

It was less than two years ago that a remarkable book called "Impeachable Offenses" was released nationwide in the U.S.

The media didn't give it the time of day.

But many Americans took notice – including many prominent Americans.

Within weeks, people started mentioning the "I" word – and it hasn't stopped. In fact, it's taking on a life of its own. There's almost no stopping it.

Public figures – from actor Steven Seagal and Ambassador Alan Keyes to Code Pink Co-founder Medea Benjamin and rock star Ted Nugent – have called for impeaching Barack Obama.

It all started with "Impeachable Offenses," by Aaron Klein and Brenda Elliott, the one and only complete and thorough documentation of the reasons Obama needs to go.

Oliver North recently remarked: "Tragically, this administration has gotten away with things that any other president would have been impeached for. There's no doubt in my mind."

Get your copy of "Impeachable Offenses" today for only $4.99!

Seagal said: "Never in my life did I ever believe that our country would be taken over by people like the people who are running it this day," said Seagal. "If the truth about Benghazi were to come out now, I don't think that this man would make it through his term. I think he (Obama) would be impeached."

Riley's plans seems to align mostly with what another retired military leader, Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, has advocated.

Other prominent advocated of impeachment now include retired senior military officials, constitutional scholars and a growing number of members of Congress.

Rep. Trey Gowdy is one outspoken member. But there are now dozens more speaking out – or at least mentioning the possibility of impeachment, which before this book, was an unmentionable word in Washington.

Then-Rep. Steve Stockman even handed out in Congress copies of "Impeachable Offenses," which has been described by its authors as the "articles of impeachment" for Barack Obama. Stockman suggested that special investigations and possibly prosecutions are needed in response to Fast and Furious, Benghazi and other Obama scandals.

How did "Impeachable Offenses" start this stampede?

By simply presenting what amounts to the article of impeachment for Obama. The Daily Mail of London has called "Impeachable Offenses" "explosive," reporting that the book contains a "systematic connect-the-dots exercise that the president's defenders will find troublesome."

Which leads to this question: Have you read it yet? Have you shared it with your neighbors and friends and family members? Is there anything you could do that is more important for the future of America than do so right now?

Get your copy of "Impeachable Offenses" today for only $4.99!

Due to the importance of the message WND Books put the title in the hands of every member of Congress at its own expense and now we want to put it in the hands of as many Americans as possible by providing it at just $4.99.

Click here to get your copy during this temporary price cut.

Watch the trailer here:


A forensic profiler whose previous cases have included the Natalie Holloway disappearance and the O.J. Simpson double murder says Barack Obama unconsciously made a stunning confession in his effort to blame the sequester idea he suggested on Republicans.

"Obama replied to (rare) press challenges about his contribution to the problem, 'Give me an example of what I might do.' Then he proceeded to unconsciously answer his own question with further denials, declaring, 'I am not a dictator. I'm the president,'" Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., told WND in an assessment.

"Understand his powerful 'dictator' image spontaneously comes from his mind. Immediately following it with 'president' he unconsciously confesses, 'I am the dictator president,'" Hodges said.

"For good measure he adds further unconscious proof in yet another vivid denial. I 'can't force Republicans to do the right thing' – confessing again that in dictatorial fashion he was forcing the Republicans' hands by not negotiating and failing to do the right thing."

Hodges, who wrote "The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury," previously deciphered the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note in the Boulder, Colo., murder case.

See all the details in Hodges' book "The Obama Confession."

He uses a unique psycholinguistic technique he calls "ThoughtPrint Decoding" to "read between the lines" of people's statements – called "the cutting-edge of forensic science" by expert investigators.

He's not new to the field, already having identified killers by studying ransom notes, emails, letters and police interviews to spot secret confessions. He decoded O.J.'s "suicide note" to confirm Simpson had committed a double murder. He deciphered the JonBenet ransom note from Boulder, Colo., to identify the child's killer. He decrypted letters from BTK to predict that he was about to kill again – the only profiler to do so. He studied statements by Joran van der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe to tie them to the slaying of Holloway. He showed how Casey Anthony secretly confessed to killing her daughter in 200 letters written to a jail mate. He even decoded Bill Clinton's comments about Monica Lewinsky.

See all the details in Hodges' book "The Obama Confession."

Is America on the brink of disaster?

The most radical president in American history is in office. His goal: transform America. His chances of success: frightening.

"At the Brink" offers an alarming review of Obama's guns policy, Obamacare, stimulus plan, and more. Readers will understand why many free enterprise economists believe Obama has forever damaged the U.S. economy.

In this riveting assessment of what President Obama has done and intends to do, celebrated economist and bestselling author John Lott shows that the United States is at the brink of catastrophe – economically and socially. The future of not just our economy but our liberty is in the balance.

In his stunning new book, "At the Brink" Lott reveals:

    •  How the "stimulus" was the most expensive economic failure in history, with consequences that could last for generations

    •  Why debt will continue to grow under Obama – and the potentially devastating impact it could have on your economic security

    •  Why you can expect soaring health care costs – hint: it's happening already

    •  Why American health care will – quite soon, as Obamacare takes effect – no longer be the envy of the world

    •  Why gun control isn't the panacea the Obama administration makes it out to be – and will in fact make crime worse

    •  The Obama administration's incredible record of deceit in chipping away at our constitutional rights – from Obamacare's mandates to the scandal of Operation Fast and Furious

    •  What Congress needs to do to change direction fast

Laden with hard facts you haven't seen anywhere else, Lott details just how dangerous Obama's policies have been, and how they'll get even worse without stiff congressional opposition. "At the Brink" is sobering but essential reading for Americans who care about our future.

If you were worried about America's future, brace yourself – it's going to be a lot worse than you imagined.

In "Obama's Four Horsemen: The Disasters Unleashed," award-winning libertarian-conservative journalist David Harsanyi lays out the four great catastrophes that threaten to crush the America we know and love.

What are they?

    •  Debt. Forget the fiscal cliff. We plunged over it in Obama's first term – by $16 trillion – and when we hit bottom, that splat you hear will be our obliterated standard of living. It will be much worse, as Harsanyi shows, than anyone in the media is telling you.

    •  Dependency. Welcome to Obamaland, where freedom is the problem, government is the cure, and bureaucrats are corrupting the relationship between government and citizen in ways that will lead us to ruin.

    •  Surrender. Remember when America thought of itself as a force for good in the world? Remember when we stood by our allies? Today, the Obama administration kowtows to dictators, apologizes to those who hate us, refuses to defend American ideals, and is actively working to undo our superpower status with potentially catastrophic results.

    •  Death. The Democratic Party once proclaimed that abortion should be safe, legal, and rare. No longer. Now abortion is a positive good, to be subsidized and even exported at taxpayer expense. Obama's Democratic Party is more than the party of higher taxes, spending, debt, and dependency. America’s majority party is now the party of death, with consequences we will soon regret.

"Obama's Four Horsemen: The Disasters Unleashed" is provocative, prophetic, and powerful. Harsanyi shows just how Obama’s four horsemen could trample America into the ground—and what we need to do if we are to have any hope of rising again.

One of the other early eligibility pioneers was WND's Molotov Mitchell. Get his early video work, "For the Record: I'm Not Crazy" on this subject for just $4.95.

Check out the rest of the eligibility resources available in the WND Superstore in the "Birth Certificate Department." They include postcards, special reports, bumper stickers, T-shirts and more. Everything is marked down to bargain prices!.