The photo was among other family photos of Obama which were released by his presidential campaign in February 2008 (see Daily Mail). The photo is also in New Yorker editor David Remnick’s 2010 biography of Barack Obama, The Bridge.

Look at the picture again, carefully.

Do you see what’s weird in the picture?

Here’s a hint (see yellow circles):


Do you see how grandpa Stanley’s upper left arm is vertical, but his left hand is resting on Obama’s left shoulder?

Why don’t you try doing that to another person who’s about the same height as you — put your left hand on his or her left shoulder. Go ahead, try it!

What happened to your left upper arm? Did it stay vertical as Stanley’s arm did, or was it horizontal, stretched across your companion’s back?

It is anatomically impossible for Stanley Dunham to rest his left hand on Obama’s left shoulder while his (Stanley’s) left upper arm stays vertical. That means the picture had been altered by inserting the image of Obama between Stanley and Madelyn.

Here’s the original picture of only the Dunhams (below). Notice the following: