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Obama—A Legacy of Desecration -Barry Soetoro or BHO, or Whomever this Obscure Character is, I Chose to Call Him Out on Everything He has Done to Destroy Our Nation


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April 19, 2015

Obie Usategui / Canada Free Press

For the past seven years, maybe a little more, since back at the time when the 2008 presidential elections were reaching their peak of political controversy upon the unsightly possibility that a quisling candidate with a dubious pedigree by the name of Barack Hussein Obama, threatened to become the next president of the United States of America, I forewarned the world, especially the American people, of the magnanimous menace this enigmatic man represented to all of us and to the world.

In my article “The Beginning of the End”, written in October 2008, followed by my book bearing the same name, and many other articles written in the last seven years, I have vigorously tried to reach out to every American and every free citizen of the world, pleading for everyone to open their eyes to the clear and present dangers that lied ahead embodied in the persona of this Barack Obama character. 

Throughout all my writings, I did make it a point, and went out of my way to support my assertions with factual evidence.  I did so, as I knew, eventually, the enemy would try their best to discredit my dissertations as, they [the enemy] were, and still are, uniquely adept at distorting the truths. Notwithstanding, however, my obsession for genuineness and accuracy, I did exercise my rights to openly express my opinion(s) – invariably averring a profound, almost neurotic dislike for someone whose political career, was hideously plagued with ‘un-Americanism’.

Born to a black Muslim and a white left-wing social activist, raised by a Muslim stepfather, Obama’s upbringing was just beleaguered with unrelenting controversies, which ranged from slight overtones of Fabian socialism to outright Marxism, and a true permeation of class controversies, inherited, if you will, from all those who had participated in his rearing. Beginning with his close relationship with Frank Marshall Davis – a renowned communist-activist and member of the Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA), admittedly, a mentor to Obama as he was growing up in Hawaii, under his grandparent’s tutelage, to the shockingly disgraceful mentorship by pastor Jeremiah Wright, better known for twenty years of blaring anti-American church sermons and antics, readily condoned by a loyal brethren under the name of Barack Obama; to an avid community organizer – a cultured disciple and professor of Saul Alinsky’s model -  a professed nihilist and secularly anti-American role model zealously clamoring to “blame political systems such as capitalism and democracy for mankind’s shortcomings and hardships, therefore essentially a need to do away with them [the systems] in their entirety.”

There it was for everyone to discern and realize. These were all simple and unabridged truths, adroitly capable of swaying anyone of common sense to being forewarned of what lay ahead; of what was in store for our great nation under this paradoxical anti-American we came to know as Barack Hussein Obama. 

Well, while I did anticipate the worse would come true under this impostor’s presidency, I must candidly admit, I could not have ever envisioned, not in my wildest dreams, how truly bad it would all be.  During the past seven years, I have just about seen it all.  Domestically, I have seen America’s unemployment rate continue to rise, as did gas prices, as did the national debt, as did the debt per person, as did the misery index, as did worker’s health insurance, as did food stamp recipients, as did Americans in poverty, as did the national deficit.  I have seen this man [Obama] desecrate our constitution and the law of the land, by shoveling down American’s throats an unwanted health-care law, capriciously imposed on Americans’ pre-supposed ‘stupidity’.  I have seen this camouflaged autocrat dictator rule the nation through Executive Orders, conceived exclusively as a means of sidestepping the nation’s law-enacting protocols.  I have seen this man’s untenable urge to imbed class resentment in America, such as that which once paved the way for Marxism and Communism to get a foothold in the world.  I have seen American’s First Amendment rights and the abridging of the freedoms of speech, wholly ravaged by an administration that, simply said, continues to choose what Americans can or cannot know, while deliberately destroying the evidence any time the laws of the land are besmirched with a compellingly show of guilt.

In the international scenario, I have seen the man [Obama] betray the nation, by turning on allies such as Israel, while bowing to enemies such as Iran, virtually enabling this hate-filled enemy to have ad-nauseam nuclear capabilities, sufficient to destroy us and the rest of the world.  I have seen the man empower radical Islamic terrorists all over the world with continued shows of appeasing cowardice, such as the unprecedented exchange of five professed Talibans leading terrorist-prisoners for one U.S. deserter. I have seen the man, together with presidential contender and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, recklessly allowing four of America’s best to be helplessly massacred by savages at a foreign embassy in Benghazi, as well as I saw a president go golfing minutes after commiserating with the nation over the beheading of a US journalist. What more, my fellow-Americans do you need to see?

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