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Revealed: Obama temper rages at 'motherbleeper' confidante

Joe Kovacs

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Feb. 17, 2015

Barack Obama has a reputation for being one cool customer.

But underneath that aloof exterior lurks a hot temper and foul mouth capable of hurling obscenities, according to someone who knows him very well.

In the new book, “Believer: My Forty Years in Politics,” former Obama strategist David Axelrod reveals how the president once viciously chewed him out as he was preparing Obama for his 2012 debate with Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

The president is said to have cursed at Axelrod before walking out of their prep session.

“Motherf—-r’s never happy,” Obama said, according to Axelrod, before tearing out of the room.

“That was a first,” Axelrod wrote. “Obama and I had been working together for a decade, through some pretty hairy moments, but he had never before lost his temper in this fashion. He certainly never attacked me so harshly, especially in front of others.”

Perhaps Obama should have accepted Axelrod’s coaching, because the debate turned out to be disastrous for the president.

Romney consistently put Obama on the defensive, and a post-debate poll found 67 percent of viewers believed Romney was the victor.

Axelrod also reveals Obama is bothered by the media’s coverage of him.

Axelrod told the New York Times, “Look, every president says, ‘I never read that stuff,’ and no president is telling the truth when they say that. It’s only human to be aware of what’s being written and said about you and to be less than happy when you feel like you’re not being treated fairly.”

The president’s former aide also says Obama has failed to change Washington.

“First of all, there was this expectation that if Obama got elected, the whole world would change overnight and that political combatants would drop their arms and hold hands and sing ‘Kumbaya’ and we’d all march forward together as one big happy family,” Axelrod told the Times. “That was never in the cards. … Look, I was very honest about this in the book – by that standard we didn’t achieve what we set out to achieve. We clearly haven’t changed the tone in Washington.”

He explained Obama doesn’t define himself by being president.

“I think he relishes the opportunity to be president, but he doesn’t define himself by being the president,” Axelrod told the Times.” Before he ran, I didn’t think he was pathological enough to subject himself to what was required, because he didn’t need to be president. And he agreed with me. When he walks out of that building, I don’t think he’s gonna look back. I think he’s perfectly happy to just be Barack Obama.”

Axelrod also admitted in his book that Obama lied to the America about his declared stance against homosexual marriages.

“I’m just not very good at bullsh—ing,” Obama told Axelrod, after an event where he stated his opposition to same-sex marriage, according to the book.

Axelrod says he knew Obama was in favor of same-sex marriages in 2008, as Obama was saying he only supported civil unions, not full marriages.

Axelrod admits he advised Obama to hide that stance for political reasons.

“Opposition to gay marriage was particularly strong in the black church, and as he ran for higher office, he grudgingly accepted the counsel of more pragmatic folks like me, and modified his position to support civil unions rather than marriage, which he would term a ‘sacred union,’” Axelrod writes.

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