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It's Official: President Obama's SOTU Speeches Are The 'Dumbest' In US History

Tyler Durden

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Jan. 21, 2015

Are you smarter than a 9th grader? Then you will be quite at home with President Obama's latest State of The Union speech. While the Flesch-Kincaid readability test shows SOTU 'smartness' has been plunging Woodrow Wilson, the collapse has accelerated post-Clinton with President Obama's average SOTO speech tailored to the intellect of a 14-year-old - the lowest on record.


As Vocativ reports, [3]

Vocativ also calculated the average SOTU grade for every president dating back to Woodrow Wilson, when it first became the norm to deliver such speeches before a joint session of Congress. Before Wilson, it was typically presented as a written report. Over the last century, the State of the Union’s sophistication has trended steadily downwards.















Perhaps even more sad is the spin that a former speechwriter puts on this downtrend...


“It’s tempting to read this as a dumbing down of the bully pulpit,” Shesol said.


“But it’s actually a sign of democratization. In the early Republic, presidents could assume that they were speaking to audiences made up mostly of men like themselves: educated, civic-minded landowners. These, of course, were the only Americans with the right to vote. But over time, the franchise expanded and presidential appeals had to reach a broader audience.” That, and the advent of mass communication.


Now, when President Obama addresses the country, he is addressing everyone.

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Yep - that's it.