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Nov. 16, 2014

 A chance to test the "balance of powers" theory

Patriots- bcc herein w/permission to forward:


  Another superlative article by Al Benson- the Confederate Society of America’s Chaplain, Resident Historian, Author and Member of our Board of Directors in his critique of the American ‘government’.


  A brief commentary: Obama is probably the most egregious ‘president’ this country has ever seen and the Most Obvious relative to his Dogmatic IDEOLOGY hidden behind a veil of various charades that enabled him to get where he is enabling him to do what he has done.


  However, although the most egregious as mentioned and probably the worse than any, combined with his apparent Muslim commitment that one can only presume cloaks his real religion (Islam), he is Not alone.


  Since Lincoln’s Civil War, there have been a number of ‘president’s’ from the 2-Party Duopoly that have taken ‘liberty’ with their position, albeit with Congress in tow, resulting in a continued loss of OUR Liberty allowing for further Political Usurpation.


  However, the worst of any prior to Obama is inarguablyLincoln who totally shelved the U.S. Constitution he claimed he was ‘representing’ in pursuit of a Central Government Hegemony and waged an UnDeclared Waragainst another Country (the Confederate States of America) that Congress NEVER approved!


  He arrested and jailed civilians and military personnel alike (in the North) who protested and questioned his Illegal Actions without so much as due process UNDER THE Constitution and, like Obama, DIDN’T blink in the slightest.


  The RESULT of his actions and his similarly grotesque cabinet of the time, all of whom were bonafide Socialists, Transformed this Country and what we have today is an Extension of those actions & events!

  It took ‘Those People’ 150 years to get where they are today and Obama and his Minions both within and without of ‘government’, REPRESENT the Political Carnage that was created long ago.




  Many of the things that Obama has done and made‘Legal’, just as what Lincoln did, will NEVER be reversed BUT WILL SERVE AS precedent FOR ‘OTHERS’ IN THE DAYS AHEAD that are NOT that far off!


  What EVERYONE is seeing and witnessing are theIDENTICAL CONDITIONS, but worse (if that is even comprehensible), as those surrounding Lincoln and his Band of Socialist Architects that decided the South’s position to Secede.


  It was, as stated, the 2nd American Revolution but WE did NOT initiate it!

  We Seceded Legally & were Invaded Illegally because of the actions of ONE MAN- ABRAHAM LINCOLN- andWITHOUT the APPROVAL of a ‘Constitutional’ Congress.


  It has been downhill ever since.


  The Nightmare of 150 Years ago was bound to catch up with us and have ultimate repercussions.

  It has come back to HAUNT us as the REPUBLIC that existed then… is now NO more because of it!


  That REPUBLIC will Only be again if we SEPARATE.


‘Played like a Fiddle and Washington remains the Riddle’

‘A Country that knows NOT of Its Origin is like a Ship without a Rudder- Sooner or Later it WILL Destroy Itself on the Reef of Stupidity’