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The Prophet Speaks of Obama

Dick Eastman

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Oct. 18, 2014


When I first saw that the power elite and China put Bill "Waco & Oaklahom City" Clinton in the presidency I knew Americans were to be snuffed, then Bush (9-11, W.o.T, P.A., DHLS, accelerated deflation economy implosion) then Obama (sequester, health care act, drones, Fuskushima, Affordable car act, Czars)  I knew at once  what Obama was -- I saw it in his personality immediately, a man actuated by invincible resentment against "white America" -- born in Kenya to a committed anti-American communist and a mother who twice chose to marry non-Americans and to spend her life out of the US -- except Hawaii (where there is a strong radical anti-American current among the many East Asians, Moslems, communists who live there. 

 But most of all Obama knew American as the friends of his mother's parents, with their positions in banking and the privilged and snobbish Hawaiian society.  Here surrounded by young debutants and children of their parent's country club where he was black, and broken family -- he developed an anti-estblishment viewpoint -- one that was accelerated when he began homosexual relationships and had added to his thinking the typical homosexual's critique of bourgeouis society. The power elite are largely homosexual, whatever they can fantasize their money and position and network of people who cover for each others wrongdoing, -- soon they are doing kind of crime and vice  -- and Obama was introduced around that. 

By now a con man  -- able to mix in his grandparents social circles and now with the underworld/insider network behind him - his talents as a personable con man who hates America but who, like Bill CLinton, could charm Americans was put into a grand scheme.  He was to be given an unearned background adequate for running for president.  Soon he was at Columbia getting good grades -- who remembers him there? -- then to Harvard Law where he edited the Law Review -- powerful qualification, but no one can find any contribution made in that postion  -- then to Chicago where he became an organizer in regions dominated by organized crime mixed with Federal and Chicago political power.  Then he was ready.  The machine ran him for Congress and of course got him elected.  His opponent died before the election.  

 -- Looking at what I have written I see that I forgot to mention his stay in Indonesia, his life as an Indonesian.  His Indonesian step-father seems a very nice person  -- but I note that his mother worked for the Rockerfeller foundation which has stronger economic and loyalty ties to China than to the American people whom presidents should be interested in serving.  Indonesia is a strong base of Communist subversion  -- the Peoples Liberation Army got money to Clinton through their Chinese communist agents in Indonesia, the Riady Family, responsible for Bill Clintons winning the Democratic Primaries (George Bush Sr and Ross Perot of course were behind Clinton winning the election)  -- so that Indonesia was more connections for Obama to be the likely choice for a very special mission of infiltration, subversion and sabotage  -- that involved Obama becoming President.