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For Lame Duck Obama, There Is Only Cold Right-Duck Obama

Tracy Turner

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Sept. 14l, 2014


  nixon reagan eo-depart obama watch expect executive order NDAA right fascism fascist


By Tracy Turner ~  Sept 14, 2014


The EO’s of Obama has replaced the Lame Duck Presidencies of the past; Executive Order this, Executive Order that. The last EO’s Obama signs will not be like George Bush pardoning criminals, rather, Obama will EO more power to the Citadels of Power: Wall Street, the Banksters and the Fed Reserve privately-owned banks. Obama will create and sign ink for derivatives futures, more bad loan bailouts, and more high risk with Federal and Public monies.


Expect a crisis during Obama’s last year in the form of another bank meltdown that only Obama ink can fix. Caps on torts by consumers against banks and health care providers, caps on torts against lawyers, caps on torts for loss of homes and retirement annuities; no caps on bank risks…


There is a very high likelihood the last 6-9 months of his presidency of Obama committing 'ground advisors' to Syria and Ukraine. These ground troops will follow not Obama, but his predecessor around like glue. In order to take people’s eyes off of the troops and banks, Obama will raise the legal amount of radioactive and fracking materials allowed in food and water. Obama has made it clear he is pro-corporation and anti-individual-rights. He will go out of his office with a huge flourish of anti-individual-EO’s… Obama arrived in office favoring coal, oil, and gas, GMO’s, nuclear, mining, timber cutting and over-fishing over the rights of the voters. Obama will leave favoring these very same entities over the rights of people via EO’s. Do not be fooled by 1-2 new wilderness areas while you eat frack and Uranium in your food or drink and bath in frack and Uranium.


Obama has consistently made a big show of being to the right of even some or many Republicans. He has made a huge show of expanding NDAA and business interests and turning rights into collectivist rights serving Nike, Apple, AT&T, IBM, etc. Obama serves Wall Street and ignores homeowners losing their houses. Why would he do anything but go out with an even bigger bang to the right of right fascism? His cheerleaders are voters who cannot admit their wrong, much like those who buy a lemon car and cannot admit they purchased a lemon car… Obama heralded in preventive prison detention through NDAA…


Obama gets bills passed by getting Democrats to vote on the Republican side of the aisle; he will do more of this as "Lame Duck Obama"… Obama will continue to be a media darling for intending to respond to Fukushima, for intending to make a clean water act in coal country, for intending to address over-logging and over-fishing...


Expect to watch Obama EO-depart to the right of Nixon, LBJ and Reagan.