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Homeland Security Bombshell: President Barack Obama is not eligible to work in the US

Dean Garrison

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Sept. 8, 2014

Most employers have. E-Verify is a free verification system under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security. Registered employers can use this system to make sure that job applicants are eligible for employment

Interestingly enough, our own President doesn't pass muster. As it would turn out, Barack Obama has been given the job of "leader of the free world," but is not eligible to be a fry cook at your local Burger King.

The man couldn't even get a job sweeping the floors at the White House yet he is living there.

How can this be?

This is a media and government cover up. It goes way beyond what you might think. Big right wing news sources have been accused of their complicity in the matter as well.

I will show you documents that leave little doubt to my claims, but ultimately it probably won't matter. This is the biggest fraud in American history and no one in congress seems to care, courts won't even hear the case, and the citizens are more worried about how many TD passes their fantasy QB has today than the fact that a usurper is in office.

Nevertheless, I present the truth.

Barack Obama was caught using a social security number that was clearly not issued to him, as far back as 2010. He has used it on numerous occasions but there have been aggressive attempts to get rid of the evidence. It is hard to find these images using search engines. Try for yourself.

This is from a 2009 tax return. Even though there is a line through the social security number, it is pretty easy to make out as 042-68-4425. Some say this number was assigned to a man that was born in 1890. Who it may belong to is not important. The important fact is that Barack Obama has used, on numerous, occasions, a social security number that is very likely not rightfully his.