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Aug. 25, 2014

The chief outside agitator is President Obama



By John Kaminski



Is Ferguson, Missouri the shape of things to come?


America's first black president Barack Obama has shown all people of color in the USA that he can break the law at will, so the message they hear is that they can break the law as well, and we see that happening now throughout the mean streets of the growing slums of America.


As Gary Webb wrote about the CIA's role distributing heroin to the streets of Los Angeles, government sponsorship of street crime has actually been happening for decades, but now has been ramped up to a chaotic crescendo by Obama's cynical delivery of automatic weapons to Mexican drug gangs followed by the deliberate and meticulously planned importation of Central American children who are fouling U.S. school systems and the health departments of every community into which these budding gangsters have been deployed.


Obama's declaration that he can kill anyone he wants at any time certainly has filtered down into the black community and fueled a nationwide phenomenon of black violence on hapless whites. We see this black rebellion in ubiquitous gangs of black thugs playing the Knockout Game with unsuspecting white victims, laughing while their victims bleed, uncannily reflecting the behavior of vicious Jews slaughtering children in the bleeding rubble known as Gaza, and having the same humorous reaction, derisive laughter bordering on madness while stealing or destroying everything they can get their hands on.


Ditto on the streets of St. Louis, where fascist cops and raging anarchists who can't get jobs because there are no jobs collide in a perfect storm of violent rage that presages the future of the disintegrating American republic.


If you conclude the whole world has gone insane and there is no one out there to help you, you'd be right. And the powers that be are only too happy that this is happening, so they can crack down and create the giant police state prison they wish society to be.


There are no simple solutions to any of this. The government has lied to far too many for far too long. Those rioting have no other way to express their rage and frustration over a system that offers no answers to their pointless misery and insoluble frustration over lives that have no meaning. Substandard education leaves them no path to expression except through violence and robbery as consolation prizes for their dead end lives in the form of cheap products from looted stores.


The two main developments since the decaying suburb of Ferguson erupted into nonstop violence have been (1) that police officer Darren Wilson fired his gun at a charging, 6-4, 290 pound subject who was the reason for the 9/11 call in the first place, and (2) that outside agitators were imported to St. Louis for the purpose of ratcheting up the level of violence.


So it seems like we have the construction of another Trayvon moment.


The dead black perpetrator who had robbed a convenience store of $50 worth of cigars was not running away from the cop, he was charging toward him, according to some anonymous witnesses. I don't know that outside agitators would have been required to trigger episodes of looting since this is the way blacks consistently behave when they have the opportunity to riot over some social event, whether accidental or contrived.


On the other hand, perhaps all of these regrettable events are "seeded" by outside agitators.


But the real outside agitator is Obama, the president permanently on vacation or championing the rights of foreigners over the needs of existing, taxpaying, white American citizens.


As was the situation with Trayvon Martin, the black teenager who was killed in a scuffle with a man on Neighborhood Watch in Florida, the real quandary in this Ferguson debate is that there is no authentic avenue of communication between blacks and whites.


Whites are convinced that Michael Brown was an out-of-control black thug who roughed up a store owner, then charged a police officer, breaking a bone in his eye socket, before the shellshocked cop knocked him down for good with six shots in self-defense.


Blacks are convinced that Brown was an innocent victim who was kneeling down with his hands up when the vicious cop filled him full of holes. They don't want to hear anything about stolen cigars.


It was the media who took the latter version and sent it over the wires and around the country, triggering sympathy protests and copycat episodes of gratuitous violence, and that in itself becomes probably the key issue in stoking the flames of disruption throughout the nation.


The media is wholly in league with the government in creating the conditions for the imposition of martial law. But the conditions are distinctly one sided.


Do you think massive groups of whites will hit the streets over the mugging and robbery of a young man by four black kids on mopeds?


The question in the minds of all white people is why do mainstream media sensationalize the occasional killing of blacks by whites when the criminal killings of white by blacks are seldom reported despite their much higher frequency


The fact that the police in America are out of control is incontestable. But the most telling event in this whole spectacular sequence of street violence has been Attorney General Eric Holder's criticism of local officials for releasing video of Michael Brown roughing up of a diminutive store owner from whom he stole the boxes of cigars.


This is not the first time Holder has broken the law, intimidated local officials to prove a false point, and assisted the enemies of American law enforcement.


Obama, Holder and their attack dogs Jackson and Sharpton wanted the situation in Ferguson to go up in flames, because it plays into their plan to deploy heavy military surplus weapons in American towns for the purpose of declaring martial law. The troublemakers they have assigned to trigger violence also work toward this goal, which is exactly what happened in Ferguson.


Late Tuesday night (Aug. 19), a Missouri rock radio station (KFNS, 100.7) reported that the key witness in the Michael Brown killing, who at first claimed the victim was on his knees with his hands up, had now changed his story and admitted Brown charged Officer Wilson, who shot him down in self defense.


And so the question that caused protests all over the country and riots in a St. Louis suburb remains unanswered. See Bill Whittle's "Ferguson and the Real Race War" for an enlightening description of this current dilemma.


The legitimate answer to the question of whether blacks have a valid grievance over the killing of Michael Brown might well determine whether or not American cities continue to go up in flames. And if their grievance is proven to be mistaken, we might well ask who engineered the original false story that brought so many people into the streets, and why did they do it?


John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.