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If A Picture Is Worth A 1000 Words, What Does THIS Say About Barack Obama?


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Aug. 21, 2014

Yesterday we reported here about how quickly President Obama went from statements on the horrific beheading of an American journalist and the ongoing (and worsening) threat posed by ISIS, to heading quickly out onto the golf course.  Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit put a visual to that reality, and frankly, it will likely leave many of you sickened. Even those who already knew of the callous and shocking levels of self-involvement that surround Barack Obama will find themselves shaking their heads at the following time stamped photo:












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Even during the press conference statements, Obama appeared disinterested/annoyed in having to be there.  Over time, some have stated this blog has been “too tough” or “unfair” to President Obama.  To that I would say look to the above picture once again. It outlines in undeniable and quite simple detail how shallow and indifferent this man truly is.


How in the hell does any human being share their thoughts on a brutal videotaped killing of an American citizen by a force of terrorists who have promised to do so to all of the United States, and then within minutes, be found on a golf course smiling and laughing?


This isn’t just insensitive on the president’s part – it’s clinical, and THAT is frightening…