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June 20, 2014

Nobody is above the law. Especially Barack Obama.

As President, Obama ought to PROTECT the Constitution. That's the President's #1 responsibility.

Instead, Obama not only re-writes the law, he blatantly ignores the law.

When Obama traded five senior Taliban officials (members of Mullah Omar's inner circle), he did so unilaterally. He didn't consult key leadership in Congress. The only individuals he consulted with, were the terrorists.

Impeachable offense

A former member of Congress, Allen West, has sent a request to Speaker John Boehner, and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to draft articles of impeachment. West argues Obama signed into law only months ago the National Defense Authorization Act, which makes it a crime against the nation to offer or provide any material support to terror groups.

Fox News judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano explained it best when he said, "We have a federal statute which makes it a felony to provide material assistance to any terrorist organization. It could be money, maps, professional services, any asset whatsoever, including human assets."

Should we be surprised?

As a former Constitutional professor, you'd think Obama would know better. Our founding fathers wisely decided that Congress should make laws while the judicial branch should interpret our laws. The President's job is to enforce our laws. But not Obama.

Obama the law-breaker

Our President displays a pattern of ignoring the law. Over and over, he acts like a monarch and not a President.











  Obama is creating his own laws by giving the IRS an unauthorized expansion of power.
Obama has unconstitutionally granted largely unreported de facto amnesty to millions.
Obama recklessly endangers the public by illegally releasing from prison criminal illegal aliens.
Obama's role in Benghazi re arguably impeachable activities in and of themselves.
Obama's illicit edicts on gun control illegally collect fraudulent gun data.

How we proceed with impeachment...

Takeover Super PAC is coordinating campaign activities in key States like Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kansas, North Carolina, Alaska, Montana, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. Our goal is to takeover Congress in November.

When we gain an absolute majority in the House and Senate, we conservatives can finally expose Obama law-breaker. We'll control the Committees and we'll have access to the information we need to impeach.

If you want to join us, please click here and make a donation of $25, $50, $100, or more. Help us TAKEOVER CONGRESS.

Help us impeach

Takeover Super PAC is independent of any political party. We fight for the Constitution, not for the establishment, and our political activity is focused on electing principled conservatives to the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Help us gain control of Congress. Help us TAKEOVER. Click here and make a donation of $25, $50, $100, or more. Let's give Congress the power to impeach.

You can trust us. Takeover Super PAC was created by a group of lifelong conservatives who are determined to win elections and take our country back from the liberals and socialists. If you're tired of putting your money to work for turncoats and traitors, join us.

When we join together, we win! Remember 2010 when we swept the mid-term elections and temporarily stopped Obama in his tracks? Together we win!

Takeover Super PAC believes the bipartisan approach has failed us. The establishment is bargaining away our Constitutional rights and our free enterprise system. Even some GOP leaders are cooperating with Obama.

Let's takeover