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Dr. John Coleman

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June 21, 2014

The following thoughtful commentary has been extracted from the September 1997 issue of Dr. John Coleman's World In Review. Longtime CONTACT readers have been exposed to other, more exotic technologies being used to manipulate, harass, mind control, and spy upon we-the-people, but the fundamental issue of freedom (or the erosion of freedom) remains just as important no matter what the examples may be. Our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are being disassembled right before our eyes, piece by piece, and we thank Dr. Coleman for pointing that out through several hidden aspects of the plot at work. How did we get to this sad state of Socialism in America? Mostly by one, small, hardly noticed step at a time.

--Dr. Edwin M. Young, Editor-In-Chief




The huge intrusion into the private lives of American citizens is fast nullifying the protection guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and yet, federal agencies are on the Hill almost every week, clamoring for more and more technology that allows total violation of the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments in particular. And every week, Congress allows these agencies more and more leeway to erode further and further the personal liberty and freedom and right to privacy guaranteed by our Founding Fathers.

Recently the French company SAGEM's U.S. affiliate, North American Morpho System inadvertently revealed that the FBI has 630 million cards on file. The information came out when North American Morpho System said that it had just completed a two-year project for the FBI which involved scanning 31.5 million fingerprint cards.

"What is wrong with this?" some will say. What is wrong with this is that the Constitution does not permit a central police force--which is what the FBI most distinctly is. The FBI has no mandate in the U.S. Constitution, having been created in violation of the Constitution by renegade Teddy Roosevelt via "executive order" which has no standing in the U.S. Constitution. Executive orders are proclamations which can only be made by the monarchy, there is no room in our constitutional laws for executive orders.

This violent abuse of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights has accelerated under Clinton to the extent where the House and Senate might as well pack its bags and head for home. Rule by executive order is rule by fiat--rule by tyranny--and this is what is fast developing in the U.S. If I had a million dollars I would challenge every member of the Congress, the Justice Department, the Supreme Court and the Executive order to show me where in the Constitution is the power to issue so-called executive order? Executive orders are sending America to hell in a handbasket, and no one is doing anything to put a stop to this unconstitutional practice which is fast bearing America along with the road to total tyranny.

North America Morpho Systems Inc. scanned over 630 million FBI cards using a specially-constructed IBM Rise 6000 with custom software to meet the FBI's demanding image quality specifications. Nobody knows just how much this has cost the American taxpayer. The cards are now part of another unconstitutional enterprise, the "Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System" which violates so much of the U.S. Constitution that it ought to have rung alarm bells allover the House and Senate, supposedly the guardians of our liberty, but which are fast becoming nullities, a fact which ought to be disturbing the entire nation, but is not.

We are apparently so obsessed with pennant races and football stars that we have become the equivalent of the Romans, kept in ignorance of our coming downfall through "bread and circuses". The system also violates the 10th Amendment which says that police powers belong to the States, and now we have the FBI enmeshing itself in States' police powers. A people who will allow this is a people ripe for takeover by tyranny.

A Korean-owned company, InScan Inc., a company engaged in people surveillance through iris-scanning techniques is about to provide federal agencies with a new method of people control through scanning the eye's iris. The software is called "IriScan" and the end product is a new, automated biometric identification and the company says it's system will be in worldwide use by the end of the century. Its biometric key will replace passwords and PINs and while this is all to the good, the potential for abuse by any tyrannical central government--especially U.S.--which is fast becoming the new USSR--is immense.

Visionics Corporation has just completed its gigantic face-recognition program for the National Security Agency, the INS, and the National Institute of Justice. None of these federal agencies is mentioned nor expressly implied in the U.S. Constitution and they are therefore without a constitutional mandate to operate in the United States. Where in the U.S. Constitution is "National Security Agency" mentioned? The answer is, "NOWHERE" and that means the NSA is not a constitutionally-mandated agency. It is no better than the U.S. Department of Education which Comrade Carter established in violation of the U.S. Constitution in 1980, in fulfilling one of his many Marxist-oriented election promises.

While Congress is finally bestirring itself to close down the Department of Education, why isn't it doing something about the myriads of rogue agencies which also have no mandate to exist? Perhaps the reason is that we have so many Trojan Horses like Senator Lugar in the Republican Party from where such action would have to originate. The Republican Party has to remove people like Lugar from its ranks if it has any hope of surviving as the party of Jefferson and Lincoln.

[Update note: Senator Richard Lugar was defeated in the 2012 Indiana primary by another Republican, State Treasurer Richard Mourdock (61%-39%), who went on to lose the general election to Democratic Rep. Joe Donnelly.]

When are the American people going to realize that the central government cannot just invent agencies which more and more threaten the liberty of the people? "Oh well, only criminals have to fear these things", is the general retort. That is exactly what Joseph Stalin of the former USSR used to say. That these infringements of our rights and liberties may be prefaced with good intentions is not the point, and let me remind you that the way to the hell of living under a government of tyranny is paved with good intentions.

The U.S. Constitution does not allow itself to be violated by "good intentions" and "noble purpose" laws. The U.S. Constitution cannot be twisted and squeezed to allow for laws that are "a good thing" just because they may be a "good thing". The U.S. Constitution cannot be flouted with impunity by "good thing, noble purpose" laws, yet this is what is happening today in the U.S. so that the day that our Constitution and the Bill of Rights will be buried under "good thing and noble purpose" legislation is fast approaching. The test is not that legislation be for a good purpose or well-intended: The ONLY test such legislation can be measured by is, IS IT CONSTITUTIONAL? Does it pass the CONSTITUTIONAL test? The answer in most cases is a resounding "NO". Yet Congress, elected by We, the People, increasingly places expediency above the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Congress has fallen asleep at the tiller and the ship of state is being allowed to drift into the shoals of tyranny.

The latest symbol of a fast-approaching tyrannical government comes from the demand by William Jefferson Clinton that he be allowed to make the rules and regulations pertaining to foreign trade agreements, most of which do not measure up to the constitutional test of whether they can be called treaties. "I want fast-track authority", says Clinton. Nobody points out that under our Constitution it is the Congress (House and Senate) that makes trade treaties, not the president, nor does anyone appear to be speaking out against "fast-track" authority as being absolutely unconstitutional.

The one thing we need to be absolutely certain of is that any of the many attacks on parts of the Constitution the Socialist/Marxist/Communist legislators do not like, is an attack on the whole Constitution, which cannot be served up as a cut loaf of bread to be consumed slice-by-slice until there is nothing left of it. What I find so astonishing is that unlawful institutions are allowed to be set up all over Washington D.C. whose sole purpose is to nullify and make our Constitution of no effect. Take, for example, a Marxist/Communist outfit like "Legal Action Project of the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence", whose sole purpose is to destroy the individual Second Amendment right of citizens to keep and bear arms. Why is this Marxist/Communist organization not outlawed as an entity bent upon violating what James Madison, James Monroe and Fisher Ames said is interchangeable in the same breath with freedom of religion, freedom of the press, "human rights", "private rights", "essential and sacred rights", which "each individual reserves to himself".

Is it not then promoting anarchy that the Marxist/Communist Hand Gun Control Inc. is allowed to go on undermining the highest law of the land, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, under the many cynical guises it holds forth as its purpose? James Madison's Federalist Papers commentary that was in front of the Congress when it enacted the Bill of Rights described the 2nd Amendment as confirming citizens "in their right to keep and bear arms". How then can the right to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights be hived-off from the rest of the Constitution which certifies freedom of religion and freedom of speech as individual rights?

Who will stand up for We, the People and make sure that the citizen is not robbed of his individual Second Amendment right? This is not about "guns" and "crime", it is about destroying the entire Constitution and the Bill of Rights, piece-by-piece, for there is one thing we may be absolutely sure about: the haters of the Second Amendment are the haters of the Bill of Rights and they will not stop until they have accomplished their Marxist/Communist larger goal of destroying our individual right to be secure in our homes and our papers, free of unreasonable search and seizure. The is the real purpose of gun control!



Source:  CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, December 9, 1997, Volume 19, Number 3, Pages 1, 8, 9.

Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.