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The Terrifying Future Of America: Award Winning Journalist Warns Of Police State USA

BeforeItsNews / Cheryl K. Chumley

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Award-winning Washington Times journalist Cheryl K. Chumley joins PP Simmons in the video below to talk about her new book, “Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming our Reality.” Warning of a terrifying future for Americans if the US govt continues to look at Americans as the enemy while embracing terrorists, we learn we’ll soon not recognize our country at all unless we’re able to reverse the flow.


Chumley shares that the extreme militarization of our police forces is a sign of the direction we are headed as we quickly reach a point of no return. ‘It’s a warzone in the US’ warned small-town Franklin, Indiana sheriff Sheriff Doug Cox days ago in response to questions about the militarization of his town’s police forces, backing Chumley’s claims.




In five years, we will really start to wonder what happened to America. In 10 years, our kids won’t know the America of our youth. And in 25 years, we won’t recognize America at all.


The Constitution will be a relic, tossed on the same trash heap as the Bible. The notion of God-given rights will be replaced by government control, and privacy rights will have crumbled along with Fourth Amendment guarantees that protect us from warrantless searches of home, possessions and self.