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Ignorant westerners silent for Putin but all in favour of Nazi warmonger Obama Jun 7, 2014

The Unhived Mind

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  • Jun 7, 2014
  • theunhivedmind


    Hollande greets heads of state for D-Day commemoration


    Notice how very little cheering of Vladimir Putin by western propaganda followers but a mass for the Nazi warmonger Obama who serves New Venice and its Doge, Queen Elizabeth II. Also notice how the World War veteran slaves are not interested in Francois Hollande but are all over Obama. We need some footage of Putin with or near New Venice Doge-to-be Prince Charles. The sooner Putin puts these swines out of business the better, bring on the BRICS and fast! Now why do they have children bringing out the leaders? I wouldn’t be surprised if the esoteric reasons is the western paedophilia and sacrifice. I should remind you that the Papal bulls were always known to have been made with skin and blood of child sacrifices. It still goes on to but you are hoodwinked the bulls are created by animal skins, synthetic materials or the excuse of the day. It was nice of Putin shake the hands of the children knowing he had not shaken the hand of New Venice front, David Cameron another whore of Doge QE2.

    -= The Unhived Mind