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May 25, 2014

(Before It's News)

Obama has already made himself the number one terrorist on the planet by exploding dirty nuclear bombs in foreign countries.  The explosions slowly poison foreigners with the radioactive nuclear waste that is put into U.S. hellfire missiles.


And let’s not forget Obama’s recent statement, “You’ve set a high bar for the work that needs to be done in Chicago.”


A whistleblower has posted the following blog under an infowars article…


“Obama is working with Russia and China to coordinate Sabre Rattling incidents.  Obama wants to distract the world audience, from the fact that he has authorized a nuclear strike on Chicago. This is the breaking news story of the century.  It is not “a conspiracy theory”.  It is a fact.  It is only a matter of time before CIA covert ops goes through with the order, from the Commander in Chief, to commit the biggest False Flag attack in history.  What you choose to do with this information is up to you.  But after it happens, many people will refer to this post as “a coincidence”.  Obama’s Order to attack Chicago with a nuclear device is his deliberate attempt to justify his militarization of America, and to impose National Martial Law, in order to take complete control over the Nation.  Do NOT take this lightly.  Today is May 25, 2014, and the clock is ticking down.  Obama is the biggest terrorist in history.  He has single handedly destroyed the American Constitution as quickly as is humanly possible, for one person to do.  His next move will be to turn against the people from his “home town”, who voted him into office, in order to gain the false compassion he seeks, to take total control over America, through the imposition of martial law.”


Here is the article:


The following is a list of facts that are consistent with a nuclear False Flag event being planned in Chicago, and can be found in the following BIN article.


1.)  If there is going to be World War III and subsequent martial law followed by gun confiscation, a precipitating false flag event must occur.

2.)  The potential attack upon Chicago has already been rehearsed at the NATO Summit held in South Chicago in late May, 2012.

3.)  The Southside of Chicago was locked down during the Summit and martial law was rehearsed.

4.)  Rahm Emanuel, left a high level post in the Obama Administration, to step down to the relative lowly position of being a mayor of Chicago.  This is consistent with preparations for a False Flag event.

5.)  Obama has sold his Chicago Hyde Park residence, and is planning to retire in Hawaii.

6.)  Communities surrounding Chicago are storing supplies which are strongly suggestive of coming mass casualty event.

7.)  One source reveals that  FEMA & DHS are preparing mass graves and for martial law near Chicago.


8.)  About four years ago, Gary, Indiana officials, which borders Chicago, were being forced to store 400,000 FEMA coffins.


More Urban Warfare Drills – Military Blackhawks Buzz Downtown Chicago

[Urban Warfare Training Operation staged in a Major US City - Chicago]


Feds Declare Martial Law Red Zone Around Chicago Loop For NATO Meeting

For more important and informative links about Martial Law in America, click on this link:

This particular ‘Whistle Blower’ is very credible and ‘is not messing around’.   The whistleblowing statements are also consistent with what others have received through prophetic messages from Heaven, like the ones in this following video.  This will occur in the not too distant future, so GET OUT of Chicago NOW!!!

This video can be viewed with the TRANSCRIPT, at the following link:

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