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Monty Pelerin

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<ARCJ 18.2014

It is falling apart for President Obama. His fall from grace is difficult to overestimate. And, the totality and ramifications of this fall have not yet fully played out. Things are going to get worse for the President.

Political supporters are abandoning him, disillusioned to learn that there was nothing behind the facade that propelled him to office. For a while it appeared as though he could do no wrong. Now he can do nothing right and he is increasingly viewed as incompetent and ineffective. Nowhere is the angst greater than among Democrats who are subject to elections.

Maureen Dowd, a true Liberal, found it necessary to comment on the fall of The One:

Hill Democrats are seething at Obama, fearing that the onetime messiah is putting them in a slough that will last until — or through — 2016.

Top Democrats who were fans of the president and prone to giving him the benefit of the doubt now say they’ve completely lost confidence in the White House’s ability to advance an agenda and work with them in a way that’s going to give Democrats a fighting chance in November.

The anger and fear among Democrats is palpable. Sadly this anger is not precipitated by any concern for the country but pure self-interest. Those who risk being tossed from the trough are the most worried.

Obama is not viewed as a typical Democrat. He is personally hard to like. He did not pay his dues like other politicians. His success was and is viewed by other politicians as a fluke. There was nothing in his background other than an Elmer Gantry style that suggested he could become president. Nor was there anything to suggest he was qualified for the office. (Just what is a community organizer other than an Al Sharpton role?).

None of this mattered when Obama could advance Democrat causes and their individual careers. Don’t question how or what happened, merely accept and exploit this Democrat manna from Heaven.

But now it is over. Obama is increasingly seen as a fraud, Elmer Gantry after Gantry was uncovered. He is no longer an asset but a major liability. Democrats running for re-election don’t want to be seen with him. He is toxic.

It is a dangerous time for the Child Prodigy. He has no friends in Washington, a pattern of his that seems to have developed early in life. He has a dog, although it is unclear whether the dog likes him. The point is that none of the power brokers in this town do.

When this blog began more than four years ago, this outcome was predicted. To be fair, my timing was awful. I expected the turn against Obama to occur in hi’s first term. I never expected him to get re-elected. Apparently, I did something that H. L. Mencken knew to be likely — I underestimated the stupidity of the electorate and the Republican opposition.

My expectations were expressed in several articles. This one appeared right before the mid-term elections in 2010 in  The American Thinker: