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The skunk has replaced the Eagle as the new symbol of the American presidency. . .

It is half black-half white and everything it does stinks!

Save Liberty

A Charlestonian and Patriot whose only child was killed in a hit and run by drunken illegal aliens, knows first-hand that illegal immigration is NOT a victimless crime! Co-Founder of Citizens For Immigration Law Enforcement (CFILE) a grass-roots initiative to take back our country one vote at a time by taking citizenship responsibility seriously to ensure that our elected representatives are clearly listening and acting appropriately. Retired eco-sensitive development specialist for 30 years of "green communities" devoted to historic preservation and sound community planning. Founder of "Adopt A Beach" for S.C. due to sustainable growth concerns and environmental integrity. Her attachment to the land and passion to improve society serves as both an anchor and a transforming force in reintegrating traditional society’s ecosophy for a self-sustaining lifestyle in harmony with each another: "Leave only your footprints."

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