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A Destructive President

Eileen F. Toplansky

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Feb. 17, 2014

President Barack Obama never admits to a mistake. Instead, egregious lawlessness is fluffed away as “not a smidgen of scandal” in relation to the IRS targeting of Tea Party and other conservative groups. Instead of being a great leader, Obama distances himself and lets his appointees hide behind the law or simply exempt themselves from total disclosure. Thus, Lois Lerner can refuse to answer any questions or testify when she is brought before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and Cindy Thomas, who was in charge of the IRS’s Exempt Organization office and who illegally released confidential information about nine conservative organizations, can be promoted.

How else does Obama evade taking responsibility for his actions? Even though the president claimed he had no knowledge of the gun running program known as Fast and Furious, he claimed executive privilege. But one cannot assert executive privilege over documents that one has allegedly never seen. This is just one in the litany of obfuscations by Obama. And instead of taking responsibility for Fast and Furious, Obama falsely attributes the program to President Bush. Operation Fast and Furious began in October 2009, nine months after Obama took office. In fact, under President Bush there was a program known as Operation Wide Receiver, an “entirely separate program that implemented tactics in a profoundly different way;” furthermore, Operation Wide Receiver ended in 2007.

Of ObamaCare, the president simply refuses to acknowledge the irreparable harm to millions of Americans. As a result of the misnamed Affordable Care Act “a health care system that insured 85% of the nation” has now been decimated. People have lost the insurance they liked and could afford. Cancer patients, including a member of Congress, have lost access to their oncologists as well as their cancer treatment hospitals as a direct result of ObamaCare. One need only read David Limbaugh to understand the deep deception of Obama as he hurls the country headlong into this abyss known as ObamaCare.

Never owning up to errors that keep accumulating is clearly a mark of a leader who wishes to do harm to his country. When an individual has “strong personal accountability, he spends no time defending his actions, blaming others or trying to cover up problems.” Instead, he will “spend all [his] time on finding solutions.” Clearly, what with destroying relationships with allies, hosting White House dinner parties, playing golf, and going on numerous vacations, Obama has little time to consider, let alone aid Americans who are suffering. And, of course, he has to blame someone for the problems he has created. Because of these character flaws, Obama would not even pass the interview questions posted at this site that are used to gauge potential leadership qualities of a prospective employee.

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