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Obama wants his face on your Facebook photo

Joe Kovacs

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Fwb.11, 20114

Barack Obama takes a selfie photograph with other world leaders at the memorial for South Africa's Nelson Mandela.

In the ongoing effort to raise money and make “the final push for health care,” Barack Obama’s community-organizing project is coaxing Americans to take a chance at getting a new Facebook profile picture with the president.

Lindsay Siler, the national director of issue campaigns with Organizing for Action, sent out an email blast Monday stating:

Friend –

Look, I’m not much of a Facebook pro. (Secret: I’m not even on it.)

But even I know that people are always looking for the perfect profile picture.

I bet a Facebook photo with the President would be pretty cool. This is your chance.

Just click the button to immediately add your name and say you’ll help with the final push on health care, and you’ll be automatically entered to win a free trip to Washington, D.C., to meet President Obama at our National Organizing Summit later this month:

If you win, you’ll bring a guest along with you to D.C. — the flight and hotel are on us. And then, at the event, you’ll get some face-to-face time with President Obama.

That’s right: You and President Obama — just hanging out backstage. (We’ll make sure there’s a camera on hand.)

Think of how jealous all your old high school friends will be. :)

Good luck!

Clicking the button takes readers to a pledge page, with suggested donations ranging from $15 to $1,000, as well as a box for any other amount to be entered.

But a donation is not mandatory, as the fine print at the bottom of the email indicates, “No purchase, payment, pledge, or contribution necessary to enter to win.”

Last March, Obama’s campaign organization encouraged supporters to switch out their Facebook profile picture with a black-and-white gun-control sign.

OFA distributed the digital signs saying: “I am one of the 92 percent of Americans who support universal background checks.”

In last year’s email, Jon Carson, OFA’s executive director said, “There’s another simple thing you can do right now to show the overwhelming support for universal background checks: Take this sign and put it somewhere folks will see it — in your window, on your desk, or maybe upload it as your Facebook profile picture.”