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Allan FErickson / Western Journalism

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Dec. 26, 2013

After Obama’s recent presidential press conference it is more pressingly obvious than ever: Barack Obama must be removed from office immediately, if this country is to recover and become again the defender of liberty at home and abroad.  As long as the Failure in Chief remains in office, there is no hope of recovery, and little hope for liberty.

We cannot wait a year betting Congress will bring impeachment proceedings.  We need a guaranteed plan of action, now.

People are running around trying to get voters to turn out next year so Republicans can hold the House and gain control of the Senate, as if this will solve the problem of Barack Obama.  It won’t.  He will just skirt Congress, ignore the Courts and the Constitution, veto any reasonable reforms, and ‘govern’ via czars, executive orders and lawlessness.

Others have said the solution is a constitutional convention to assert the powers of the people and the states to rein in this out of control interloper.  It won’t work.  There are too many risks involved, and too much time required.

Some hold out hope that scandals will catch up to this criminal, or that the birth certificate issue will cook his goose.  With half the population as uncaring as the lapdog media, these options don’t hold promise either.

cicero on treason

A growing number call for a military insurrection or citizen revolt, but let’s be realistic: any suggestion that we remove this man from office by lawless acts or violent intervention is stupid, doomed to failure.  In the name of preserving the rule of law we contemplate breaking the law, risking military dictatorship, and forever losing civilian control of the military.  Destroying liberty in the name of saving it is Obama’s methodology across the board.

We have reached critical mass.  The economy is on the brink of another collapse behind spending, debt, and the demise of the dollar.   Enemies foreign and domestic are stronger and more dangerous than ever.  Allies flee, adversaries plot, insecurity looms, and domestic unrest is a certainty.  When it hits the fan, it will be the worst situation Americans have ever faced.

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