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Insider's bombshell explodes myth about Obama


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Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent and author of the brand-new book “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away From It All,” is rebutting claims President Obama has received more security threats than any other U.S. president, due to his race.

“It’s not true, it’s been refuted over and over again, yet people continue to propagate this media meme to make America feel like it’s a racist country,” Bongino told WND.

He noted his assessment is “based on my direct, first-hand experience doing lead advances for the president and what the head of the Secret Service said himself in a sworn testimony.”

Bongino served in the Secret Service for 12 years under three different presidents. His service included time in the elite Presidential Protective Division.

Bongino acknowledged Obama does receive many threats, and “there are some racists in this country.”

“But the president does not get a historically unprecedented amount of threats, and to say that he does is an outright lie,” he declared.

In Bongino’s opinion, the false assertion that threats against a sitting president are at an all-time high because of his race undermines the security of the president and causes time and resources to be wasted on frivolous claims.

“This isn’t a harmless exercise, it’s not just a political statement,” Bongino said. “The left wants us to believe that we’re a racist country to create division for political gain.”

As that distorted image of America permeates the culture, he said, the Secret Service “starts getting reports like ‘my white neighbor said he doesn’t like Obamacare,’ and they start calling this in as a threat.”

Order your copy of “Life Inside the Bubble.”

“This has a real tangible effect on allocated assets – it’s a zero-sum game,  he explained.

“If Agent A has to respond to 99 ridiculous reports of a threat to the president based on a fabricated meme and only one legitimate threat, 99 percent of the time your tax dollars and his time are wasted,” Bongino said. “There’s a very real, very tangible security threat to the president by making up fake security threats.”

Bongino explained that the increases in reported threats have more to do with the proliferation of social media since Obama took office than with race

The Twitter effect

He writes in “Life Inside the Bubble” that “the exponential growth in social media platforms and mobile communication created an environment where casual threats could be easily made and just as easily reported.”

“Threats, both veiled and direct, made in bars or between friends and relatives were historically only occasionally reported to the Secret Service and only investigated when someone who had actually witnessed or heard the threat reported the person making the threat,” he writes.

“This changed with the advent of social media and the growth in email communications. Threats via email could now be easily forwarded on and social media postings that contained threats could be shared and ‘retweeted,’ enabling any concerned person reading the threat to initiate a Secret Service investigation.”

Bongino notes in his book that President Bush also received a high volume of threats from many different kinds of groups and individuals.

“They don’t understand that Bush got a lot of threats at well. At the peak of the Iraq War, even the threats from organized terror groups were high. You had threats from environmental groups, anti-war coalitions, anarchist-type groups, the threats are always at atmospheric levels for the president. He has one of the highest threat profiles because he is the single embodiment of a branch of government,” Bongino explains.

In his book, he tells how the Washington, D.C., “bubble” — a haze of lobbyists, cronies, staff, acolytes, consultants and bureaucrats surrounding the president — creates circumstances that distort Obama’s view of the world and detaches him from the tragic results of his poor policy choices.

Bongino says that without a bold change in direction, the Fast and Furious scandal, the bombings in Boston and the terrorist attacks in Benghazi are harbingers.

His book takes the reader on a journey from the tough streets of New York City where he was raised, and where he later patrolled as a member of the NYPD, to the White House as a member of the elite Presidential Protective Division, through his ultimate decision to resign from the Secret Service in the prime of his career to run for the U.S. Senate against the feared Maryland Democratic machine.

Check the WND Superstore for “Life Inside the Bubble.”