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Nov. 13, 2013

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Thomas Jefferson

There comes a time, in the history of every nation, where the people must needs rise up against oppression or be consumed by it. Though I will grant you that it is a hard, hard lesson to grasp. Germany, when faced with their hour of crisis in Nazi Germany, chose the cowards way out and embraced the evil. By the time the nature of the dog, the dog had already bit them to death. Only the Allied might stop Hitler’s forward progress.

America stands at the front of the class right now, our lesson in front of us with the books that will write our history wide open. How shall we do in our hour of crisis?

Our founding fathers knew that tyrants would come, and made provision for it. The only question is will we be able to act on it? As I write this, one such tyrant occupies the seat of the president of the United States. Like Hitler before him, he used deception and the generosity of the people to get himself “legally elected”. And like Hitler, once inside, he has been remaking the government into an unrecognizable entity that spys on its own people and makes mockery of our cherished freedoms.

He has stocked his administration with all manner of anti-Americans, many of which are Sharia Law loving Muslims seeking to overthrow our Constitution. From his early days on the campaign trail he gave clues to anyone and everyone who had eyes to see and ears to hear. Hitler did the same thing when he wrote Mein Kampf.

Obama left the breadcrumbs for you, America, but you refused to look and take notice. Those of us who did were labeled as ‘racists’ and ‘Tea Party illiterates’. But we were right. There was Obama refusing to wear an American flag pin. Obama refusing to put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. There was Obama campaiging for the role of “President of the World” at the Brandenburg Gate in Germany, where Adolf Hitler had been annointed Chancellor in 1933. The parallels are so obvious, and the irony exquisite.

Barack Hussein Obama Must Now Be Declared An Enemy Of The State

Obama Is Purging The United States Military At An Alarming Rate

Everywhere he went, controversy, strife and division followed. He sat for 20 years under a black supremacist preacher, and claimed to know nothing of the man’s politics or prejudices. He was unable to produce a simple birth certificate. For four years. He paid over one million dollars to seal his college records so no one can see who paid for his elite upper-class education. His college yearbook plainly lists him an being from Indonesia.

He has a Social Security number issued from the state of Connecticut, where he never lived. He is the only sitting president to ever bow to a foreign Muslim leader. America, America, he has told you every step of the way where he stands. Why won’t you listen?

Obama, Ahmadinejad, Hamas & Hezbollah Send Congrats To ‘New’ Egypt

He has forced dozens of generals and other high-ranking officers out of the military, against coded military law. He allowed American citizens to be slaughtered on the anniversary of 9/11, and has never sought to avenge theirs deaths or seek the arrest of the very well-known assailants.

This brings us to the present day and Obamacare.

In 2010, Obama and his brownshirts unleashed a diabolical campaign of lies and trickery the likes of which have never been seen in this country. He fought for, and got, a bill passed into law that does as much to undo our Constitution as could possibly be done short of setting it on fire. And to sell the package to the American people he committed purjury of the highest order by lying about  what the bill would ultimately do to us.

America, Barack Huseein Obama is a lot of things. But one thing he no longer can be to you is a mystery. He has revealed too much about himself, his past, and future ambitions for us to continue to plead ignorance. He is the orignal Manchurian Candidate, and he made it all the way in. The remedy for our national ill is not easy or pleasant, but it is still possbile to effect a cure. Listen to the words of Thomas Jefferson, who told us what to do when times like these eventually came:

“But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce the people under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” –Thomas Jefferson: Declaration of Independence, 1776.

That Barack Hussein Obama is an enemy of the state, for all the reasons we have mentioned here (with dozens more that could be listed), there can be no doubt. His yoke must be broken and his reign thrown off immediately, if not sooner. Nothing less than the future of our republic hangs in the balance. There is something we can do, and its faster and better than impeachment.

The remedy is a simple one

His single, greatest attack has been in the creation of Obamacare. It is his grand weapon against the people. It is there that we need to concentrate our efforts, and it is there we need to attack. If the American people will simply refuse to sign up for it, refuse to support it - even at the risk of fines and imprisionment -  Obamacare will fail and fall. And with it so falls the Emperor. He has put all his chips on a single horse, hobble the horse and the race is over.

Each and every one of you reading this article has within themselves the power to bring Obama’s regime to a complete halt right now. It truly is that simple.

All you have to do is say “no” to Obamacare. All you have to do is just not sign up. The future of our republic stands awaiting your decision.

What will you do?