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THE OBAMA GAMES: Cons, frauds and shameless lies


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Nov. 12, 2013


From stimulus to shutdown, how the president constantly cons Americans

"This isn't some damn game!"

That was House Speaker John Boehner's angry reaction to a senior Obama administration official who had boasted, "We are winning. … It doesn't really matter to us [how long the government shutdown lasts] because what matters is the end result."

But despite Boehner's understandable frustration, a "damn game" is precisely what it was.

All of Obama's "shutdown" outrages – from barring 80-to-90-year-old WWII veterans in wheelchairs from their own memorial, to blocking highway turnouts so sightseers couldn't gaze up at Mt. Rushmore, to threatening to arrest Catholic priests if they conducted Mass on military bases – were part of a carefully calculated, high-stakes game.

In fact, a close and honest examination reveals that Americans have been living through an extended era of games being played on them – not just during the recent federal government shutdown, but non-stop, throughout the course of the entire Obama presidency.

All the game-playing, rule-breaking, cheating and deception tactics are laid out as never before in November's groundbreaking issue of Whistleblower, titled "THE OBAMA GAMES: From stimulus to shutdown, how the president constantly cons Americans."


Highlights of "THE OBAMA GAMES" include:

    •  "Games Obama plays" by David Kupelian, on how, unable to admit his true agenda, Obama resorts to constant deception and trickery

    •  "Top 10 insane moments of Obama-Reid shutdown" by Gina Loudon. As one park ranger summed it up: "We've been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It's disgusting."

    •  "Rise up against Obamacare" by Joseph Farah, who says more of us would be "storming the barricades" if we realized how badly we're being conned

    •  "Government of, by and for the crisis" by David Limbaugh, showing how Obama's actions repeatedly follow the game plan of the "Cloward-Piven strategy"

    •  "Game on: 'We're gonna punish our enemies'" by Art Moore, on the Obama strategy of rewarding friends and deliberately hurting adversaries

    •  "Bombshell: White House planned the shutdown" by Garth Kant, on claims by a former Newsweek/New York Times Magazine editor who says, "Republicans walked into a trap set up by Valerie Jarrett and Obama"

    •  "Obama followed Alinsky script in shutdown showdown" by Art Moore, who shows how the president, when playing hardball with Republicans, always sticks to the rules – for radicals

    •  "How Obama is deliberately crippling business" by Stan Marszalk, who says experts agree: The best way to hurt an economy is to "curtail availability of affordable energy" – exactly what Obama has done

    •  "Barack Obama 'a tragic figure'" by Lyle Rossiter, M.D., in which the veteran forensic psychiatrist and author explains why the commander in chief blocked WWII vets from their own memorial

    •  "Is Obama locked in a victim mentality?" by Dr. Keith Ablow, in which the Fox News psychiatric expert and author shows why the president reflexively sees opponents as abusive, predatory and threatening

    •  "Obama on his game when it comes to laying blame" by Art Moore. If Obamacare fails, says the president, it'll be fault of "Republicans in Congress." (Yes, he really said that)

    •  "Bin Laden raid was game time for Obama" – You'll never guess what the commander in chief was really doing during the highly touted Navy SEAL raid

    •  "Shutdown theater" By John Stossel, who exposes what's really behind Washington's game of chicken

    •  "Understanding why Obama lies" by David Kupelian, exploring what's behind this president's unprecedented level of dishonesty?

    •  "'Ignore the Constitution and do what you want'" by Phyllis Schlafly, on what happens when a U.S. president constantly disobeys the law of the land

    •  "Obama's shutdown campaign" by Paul Kengor, an eye-opening look at how the president's latest games echo an old Communist Party tactic

    •  "Why the GOP can't expose Obama's games" by Thomas Sowell, on the problem of inarticulate Republicans rarely bothering to powerfully reason with the American public.

"Games have rules," observes Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian. "Americans have a rulebook for government and citizenship called the Constitution. For our culture and fundamental moral and societal values, we have long relied on the Bible. But Obama does not embrace either the Bible or the Constitution, and in fact has publicly criticized and denigrated both."

"So," adds Kupelian, "what are Obama's rules?"

The whole incredible subject – Obama's game plan, his rules, weapons, allies, tactics and endless dirty tricks – is explored as never before in "THE OBAMA GAMES."

SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited time, subscribe to Whistleblower, renew your subscription or give a gift subscription for one year and you'll get $10 off (pay $39.95 instead of the usual $49.95), plus you'll receive two extraordinary free gifts:

First, you'll get the sizzling new blockbuster book, "Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama from Office."

Investigative reporters Aaron Klein and Brenda Elliott deliver what amounts to a rough draft of the articles of impeachment against Barack Obama – an indictment that goes well beyond today's headlines about IRS-gate, Reportergate and Benghazi-gate.

Among the offenses documented in the book:

    •  How ObamaCare is not only unconstitutional but illegally bypasses Congress, infringes on states' rights, and marks an unprecedented and unauthorized expansion of IRS power.

    •  How Obama has sidestepped Congress and already granted largely unreported de facto amnesty for millions of illegal aliens using probably illicit interagency directives and executive orders.

    •  How the Obama administration recklessly endangered the public by releasing from prison criminal illegal aliens at a rate far beyond what is publicly known.

    •  The president's personal role in the September 11, 2012, Benghazi attacks, with new evidence about what was transpiring at the U.S. mission prior to the assaults – possibly impeachable activities in and of themselves.

    •  Illicit edicts on gun control actions in addition to the deadly "Fast and Furious" gun-running operation intended, the book shows, to collect fraudulent gun data.

    •  From "fusion centers" to drones to alarming Department of Homeland Security power grabs, how U.S. citizens are fast arriving at the stage of living under a virtual surveillance regime.

    •  New evidence of rank corruption, cronyism and possible impeachable offenses related to Obama's first term "green" funding adventures misusing public funds.

    •  How Obama has weakened America both domestically and abroad by emboldening our enemies, tacitly supporting a Muslim Brotherhood revolution, spurning our allies, and minimizing the threat of Islamic fundamentalism.

With Obama's approval ratings continuing to plummet, "Impeachable Offenses" was recently distributed, with the help of at least one U.S. congressman, to every member of the House of Representatives. (A $25.95 value, yours FREE when you subscribe to Whistleblower!)

Second, you'll also receive Whistleblower's special issue titled "BIZARRO AMERICA: How the greatest nation on earth is morphing into its opposite."

In the world of Superman comics, the crazed character named Bizarro was a clone of Superman, with all the "man of steel's" abilities and powers – except for one thing: A total rebel, everything Bizarro thought, said and did was purposefully the opposite of whatever the real Superman did. Bizarro lived on Bizarro World, which operated under "Bizarro logic," according to which it was wrong to do anything right, moral or good.

While such a scenario makes for entertaining reading, it's not so much fun when it becomes our reality. But this special Whistleblower issue documents the amazing transformation of America into "BIZARRO AMERICA," and reveals how, on so many fronts, the greatest nation in history is progressively morphing into the opposite of its original self.

From elevating America-hating Marxists to high office to rolling out the welcome mat for illegal invaders; from making sure voter fraud is as easy and convenient as possible to dismantling the world's best healthcare system in favor of one that guarantees inferior care, long waits and care rationing; from enacting gun laws aimed at ensuring only bad guys have guns to doing everything possible to cripple domestic oil production; from allowing 3,000 unborn children to be butchered every day to giving millions of "depressed" people medications that make them want to commit suicide – the U.S. is rapidly becoming "BIZARRO AMERICA." (A $7.50 value – FREE when you subscribe!)

EVEN BETTER OFFER: Subscribe, renew or give a gift subscription for two years and not only will you receive "Impeachable Offenses" and "BIZARRO AMERICA," but you'll get $10 off the already discounted two-year rate (pay only $74.95 instead of the usual $84.95).

These special free offers will end without notice and are good in the U.S. only.




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