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Climate Change by Executive Order

James HallNov. 4, 2013

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Nov. 4, 2013

President Obama maintains his consistency on pushing the economy to the edge with his latest attempt to remake America. Fox News lays out the facts on Obama uses executive order in sweeping takeover of nation's climate change policies.

"Through the stroke of a pen, President Obama on Friday used his executive powers to elevate and take control of climate change policies in an attempt to streamline sustainability initiatives – and potentially skirt legislative oversight and push a federal agenda on states.

The executive order establishes a task force of state and local officials to advise the administration on how to respond to severe storms, wildfires, droughts and other potential impacts of climate change. The task force includes governors of seven states — all Democrats — and the Republican governor of Guam, a U.S. territory. Fourteen mayors and two other local leaders also will serve on the task force.

All but three of those appointed are Democrats. The task force will look at federal money spent on roads, bridges, flood control and other projects. It ultimately will recommend how structures can be made more resilient to the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and warming temperatures."

Politicizing and expanding the bureaucratization of the social structure surely cannot ignore the energy sector. Refusal to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, just means that the railroad interests of Warren Buffet will profit from the transfer of oil from Canada. Circumventing Congress is a full time occupation for the POTUS.

Using the bigger lie theory is central to the operations of consolidation of even more federal control over the economy. Unless the significance of this strategy is acknowledged, a correct comprehension of the context of THE ORDER IS PART OF A LARGER PLAN TO MITIGATE CLIMATE CHANGE, cannot be understood.

"Obama calls for the Department of Defense, EPA, NOAA, and several other agencies to meet within nine months and create a plan to adapt their land and water-related policies to protect watersheds and natural resources in the face of climate change, including a timeline for any changes. A similar panel will create open data frameworks and other resources for local governments, NGOs, and the private sector, and all agencies must make an inventory of the risks they face from climate change and the solutions they could adopt."


That same old song has lost its melody. Protect the environment with more government regulation and control over local land issues is right out of the playbook for Agenda 21. The zealots that believe that CO2 levels are causing global warming are hard pressed to dance around the facts. The cooling of the planet is gaining a new scientific consensus as energy related CO2 emissions drop. The Daily Caller reports, "Average temperatures have leveled for more than a decade, despite the sharply rising use of carbon energy in China and other countries."

Since the 2008 financial meltdown, the economy is in the dumps. What a great idea, force the closure of cheap energy wherever possible. Sure, even a blind supporter of "all things considered" NPR tree hugger society must come to face the real costs of living.

Tim Brown has an alternative viewpoint from the "Green" soothsayers. In, Obama’s Executive Order on Climate Change is Going to Cost Americans More Than Just Taxes, their ridiculous policy objectives are exposed for what they are.

"Already Obama's war on coal has forced the shutdown of a 60 year old Utah coal plant, with subsequent job loss and increased prices in energy.

However, Obama isn't stopping there. No, he's using taxpayer money, $8 billion in fact, to wage war on coal. So he's using our tax money to fight companies that provide us with cheap energy, in order to drive up the cost. Americans are being screwed from both ends by Obama, while at the same time his miserable failures are being kept under wraps by his useful idiots, the media."

Such condemnation of the financial press certainly does not apply to the perceptive analysis at ZeroHedge.

"In other words, following the epic Syrian fiasco, whose primary intention was to boost the US budget deficit as a result of a localized war, and allow Bernanke more debt issues to monetize, Obama now has decided to unleash a very expensive, and very much debt-funded war against the greatest enemy of all: the weather."

Forget about the contention that the EPA has "good intentions" and that the future is renewable energy. Just look at the miserable record of the RFS — the policy requiring increasing levels of biofuels to be blended into gasoline, as cited in The Hill account of Renewable fuel standard mandate is a failed policy.

"The maze of historic subsidies for ethanol has allowed the federal government to distort energy and agriculture markets, pick winners and losers, contribute to expansion and overproduction of ethanol in the industry, and result in numerous unintended consequences that cause long-term taxpayer liabilities."

Raising the costs of energy in all forms is a designed objective of the Obama anti-growth radicals. Lowering the standard of living through higher fuel, electric and heating rates is viewed as a step in saving the world from imminent extinction.

Bankrupting the economy is not the only harm that comes out of another handpicked crony committee. The article, Our Dear "Beloved Leaders", explains the use of insidious executive orders. "Today it is not just the man who holds the office of president, it is the entire bureaucratic branch that in theory is under his direction, which has perfected the tyranny that befalls our nation, "Executive Orders" are not constitutional."

Arrogant and wasteful initiatives, through central planning, can only have negative consequences for small business and families. The opportunity society is running out of gas. "Home Rule" in local government needs more independence, not added interference from the Beltway bunglers. Sensible energy policy requires market solutions, not further taxpayer subsidized boondoggles. Additional backdoor regulation intent to drive out entire industries, while providing lifelines to costly alternative energy is suicidal.

James Hall – November 4, 2013