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Video: Obama’s Staged Fainting Act Exposed


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Oct. 24, 2013

It seemed too good to be true. As the president was rounding off a speech on how Obamacare is “really good” and people should just sign up using the telephone and snail mail, a pregnant woman directly behind him began to sway and faint.

Super Obama to the rescue! The president caught the woman and ensured she didn’t fall over. Ahhh, hundreds of headlines. So, Obamacare works then I guess.

Video Obama's Staged Fainting Act Exposed

First of all, who in their right mind asked a pregnant woman to stand up in front of hundreds of photographers for a significant amount of time?

Secondly, take a closer look at the video. After turning to the woman, Obama actually turns back toward the microphone, raises his voice and says “I’ve got you.” He then turns back to her, turns back to the mic and again says “You’re ok.”

Who is he addressing? The woman who is behind him or the world’s press in front of him?

The quip then followed, “This is what happens when I talk too long.”

And cue the pandering ovation.

The president then wrapped up the speech within a minute of the unidentified woman being led away.

But, this is not the first time this has happened… or the second time… or the third time… or the fourth time… It happens ALL THE TIME. He pretty much has a prepared speech that he repeats.

Commentators have previously claimed that this could also be part an effort to appear like a kind of quasi-religious or Messianic figure.

At the very least, if these incidents are not staged, they serve to highlight how Obama routinely seizes on them to uphold his public image as a “great guy”.''