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Rush Limbaugh explodes on Republican Party

Joe Kovacs

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Oct. 16, 2013

Says GOP 'just made a decision not to exist'

Rush Limbaugh, the leading conservative voice in America, is scorching the Republican Party as an irrelevant disaster which has apparently made a decision “not to exist.”

“I was trying to think earlier today if ever in my life I could remember any major political party being so irrelevant,” the top-rated radio host said Wednesday on his national broadcast.

“I have never seen it. I have never seen a major political party simply occupy placeholders as the Republican Party is doing. There hasn’t been any opposition [to Democrats], not any serious opposition.”

Limbaugh was non-stop in his criticism of the GOP during his opening monologue, continuing, “I was thinking about this last night, too, while I was pondering if I could ever remember a greater political disaster in my lifetime, if I could ever remember a time when a political party just made a decision not to exist, for all intents and purposes.”

The radio star said the Republican Party now can’t wait to move on granting amnesty to illegal aliens.

“There’ll be a fast move in Republican circles to push comprehensive immigration reform [and] go all in now,” he explained.

“I can’t tell you what the Republicans think they’re going to achieve except this: I really do believe that some of this is oriented toward driving the conservatives out of the party. I really think some of this is oriented toward the Republicans actually seeking to get rid of their conservative base. And even if it takes 15 years in the wilderness to rebuild a new base of people who don’t embarrass them, and people who are of the right temperament, maybe that’s what they’re willing to do.”


He opined there’s a prevailing belief among the Republican establishment that in order to win future elections, “All they gotta do is throw away their base. That’s Christmas morning for them.”

Limbaugh indicated Republicans have been “hoodwinked” for two main reasons.

“They are literally paralyzed because Obama is African-American,” he said.

“Before that happened, the Democrats and the media ran one of the most brilliant political tricks I have ever seen pulled off. That political trick convinced Republicans and more importantly their ‘brilliant’ moderate consultants that criticizing any Democrat president would anger the independents.”

“So the Republicans got hooked into this belief that any criticism would send the independents running to the mild-mannered, never-critical, never-extreme, never-loud, never-arguing, never-bickering Democrats. …

“There was no behavior the Democrats could engage in that would send the independents running to Republicans. The Democrats can call Republicans hostage-takers, they can accuse them of taking a ransom, they can accuse them of being terrorists, and that doesn’t bother the independents. But when the Republicans question Obama’s Obamacare plan, [the reaction is] ‘You racist pigs! How dare you?’”

Radio host Rush Limbaugh

The political trick, Limbaugh explained, actually got members of the GOP to keep their mouths shut on opposing the Democrats’ agenda.

“They have bought hook line and sinker that what the American people want is kumbayah –everybody living together in a circle and loving each other and no acrimony, nothing but love everywhere. …

“So the Republicans have done everything they can to try to make everybody like them and what they’ve ended up doing is creating one of the greatest political disasters I’ve ever seen in my lifetime simply because they failed to show up. And then when they finally did make a play of showing up, they didn’t have the guts to stick with it.”

While there are a few staunch conservatives in the Republican Party, such as Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah who have voiced strong opposition to President Obama’s plans, Limbaugh said the conservatives do not run the Republican establishment.

“Whatever the Republican Party is today is because the wizards of smart that run it are NOT the conservatives,” he noted.

Limbaugh added, “There are times I feel like we have just lost a war to the communists. … I almost feel like that’s happened here. And in addition to that, it seems like it happened overnight. All through the Bush years, I guess the signs were there, but I missed them. I didn’t see the utter total transformation and I will call it deterioration of the pop culture.

“With the election of Barack Obama and then the next day after that, it is like the country that was founded didn’t exist at all.”

“How do you go from Bush winning two elections to where we are now in the spate of a week is like what it seems to me to have happened. And because of that … I don’t really think that’s happened. We are being asked to believe it has. … They want us to believe this, they want us to accept it. They want you to, but things don’t happen that way.”

Limbaugh told his audience he sought to prepare their minds for an “all-out assault” on their beliefs.

“We’re gonna have to hang tough,” he said. “We’re gonna have to remain detached from that mess and stay up,  optimistic, of good cheer as best we can because there is an all-out assault now, not just on Cruz and Lee and not just on the tea party, but on the conservative wing of the party. …

“For the conservatives, it’s regroup time. I just want you prepared. There’s going to be an all-out assault on the people that you think have done a good job and, by extension, an all-out assault on you. It’s gonna come from both parties. It’s gonna come from the media.”