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A government that sends riot police to block veterans from visiting a war memorial is an illegitimate, immoral government

J.D. Heyes

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Oct. 16, 2013

(NaturalNews) The president of the United States has his priorities mixed up. And what's more, he ought to be ashamed of himself.

That isn't a Democrat or Republican criticism. It is a statement of fact regarding any American president who would allow illegal aliens the "right" to protest on a taxpayer-bought-and-paid-for National Mall he ordered closed to American citizens - who also happen to be veterans of World War II - at the risk of being arrested by uniformed Secret Service officers in riot gear.

As reported by Breitbart News over the weekend:

Secret Service and police in riot gear arrived to the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. Sunday to monitor veterans demanding that memorials barricaded due to the government shutdown be re-opened.

Though the Obama administration barricaded open-air memorials and even previously threatened to arrest World War II veterans on "Honor Flights" to see their memorial, they allowed pro-amnesty demonstrators, including many illegal immigrants, to use the National Mall, which was supposed to be closed due to the shutdown, for a rally in support of comprehensive immigration reform. Democrats in Congress - like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi - were allowed to ride to the event in golf carts.

For this president, illegal aliens take precedence over World War II veterans

Yes, that's right. Democrats like Pelosi - who thanked Obama for allowing the Mall to be opened for the rally - and Vice President Biden have nothing but praise for illegal aliens, but they aren't lifting a finger to ensure access to a memorial for fragile World War II vets who likely won't live long enough to see it again.

Not all U.S. political figures and leaders are as misguided and heartless, as reported by Breitbart News:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who addressed the veterans along with Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) at the "Million Vet March," said that during what she said should be referred to as the "government slim-down," President Obama was showing not only his real priorities but a "shameful" "lack of valor" and "lack of respect."

On her Facebook page, rally attendee LaDonna Hale Curzon from Virginia wrote that, prior to Palin's arrival, there was more shameful behavior on the part of federal officers and local police, who she said moved in and "attempted to shut down the event."

She also wrote that "two police cruisers blocked entrance into the WWII memorial, in an effort to stop truckers from arriving from the highway" and "four marked Secret Service vehicles arrived on the scene, joining dozens of law enforcements, who had already arrived, including a SWAT team dressed in full riot gear."

All across the Internet Monday, pictures of police in riot gear, squad cars and even armored "riot" vehicles were seen at the event.

What the president did is disgraceful, period

"Police blocked the road leading up to the WWII memorial from both directions," wrote Curzon. "What a nice way to spend my Sunday morning and to see how our veterans are treated at their own memorial. Last week, the Obama administration opened the mall for immigration activist protest yet blocked WWII vets in wheelchairs to see the WWII memorial. What is happening to our country?!"

Later, scores of demonstrators disassembled the metal barricades around the memorial and took them to the White House nearby, where they tossed them in heaps.

Regardless of your politics, it says much about the mindset of a president who would seek to punish veterans of the greatest war of the Greatest Generation, over nothing more than petty party politics and ideology. That Obama never served is not the point; that he would ever seek to punish those who have is a disgrace.
