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Political Information from the White House -------- UNBELIEVABLE !

David M. Adam Jr.

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From: "Gar"

To: "David M. Adam,Jr." <>

Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2013 4:42:18 PM

Subject: RE: political info from the White House...................................UNBELIEVABLE !

Love it

We had a full campground last night and Elk bugling this morning.


-----Original Message-----

From: David M. Adam,Jr. []

Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2013 2:39 PM

To: gar

Subject: political info from the White House...................................UNBELIEVABLE !

My friend and family are camping in the national park @ Grand Canyon and the Park Rangers will not let them leave for "security reasons".

He says there are 50-100 Park Rangers there. It seems they have extra funds set aside for security purposes so they are all working "security".

They are also all being given free food for over 10 days now !!

Is this a great country or not ! !

David M. Adam, Jr.



TEL.#1 703-2431999


In less than 8 hours of the shutdown, miraculously, professionally printed 3X4 foot signs appeared all over the country in the tens of thousands saying-“this [park, facility, etc. with custom logos] closed due to government shutdown.

There has not been a government shutdown in 17 years. These signs were designed, specifications were determined, signs were then requisitioned, bids were posted and vetted, government contracts were awarded. The materials were then ordered and the signs manufactured then distributed U.S. Mails or freight companies.

This shutdown was orchestrated and planned well in advance at least