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Obama Won't Negotiate or Compromise

Michael REagan

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Oct. 9, 2013

To the list of rulers who've earned a nickname — Richard the Lionheart, Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler, Suleiman the Magnificent — we can now add another: Barack the Petty.

Obama had a number of options available to him in response to the current government shutdown. He could have negotiated with House Republicans — who may occasionally be guilty of wearing too much aftershave, but have never intentionally gassed their fellow countrymen like Syria's Assad. Or he could have performed the functions of his office like a leader and done his best to limit any so-called damage from the government shutdown.

But instead Obama is doing his best to punish the public in an effort to put pressure on Republicans. Average Americans hurt by his retaliation are just collateral damage in the wake of his political drone strikes.

It started at the World War II Memorial on the Mall. Before the shutdown this area had zero federal presence — unless you count trash pickup — but as soon as the shutdown was announced U.S. Park Police arrived on scene with barricades to keep the public out.

So when the monument was open it didn't need police or barricades, but when the government shuts down there is a sudden need for law enforcement? Will the public be breathing too much precious federal air?

As a result groups of WWII vets stormed the barricades once again and viewed their memorial in defiance of despotic power.

Tuesday the administration escalated and began closing down sites the federal government doesn't even own. Park Police arrived at Mount Vernon, George Washington's home, and began erecting barriers blocking access for tourists and tour buses. Only the Park Service doesn't own Mount Vernon. The house and grounds and all the exhibits are owned and funded by the Mount Vernon Ladies Association and the professional and volunteer staff is managed and paid by the association.

The only area where the Ladies Association and the Park Service share ownership is the parking lot. Since Mount Vernon's website says it is open for business it would stand to reason the association would also want at least their share of the parking lot to remain open, too.

It would have been easy to post a sign saying the Park Service isn't responsible for any lane marking deterioration or paint weathering during the shutdown and users are therefore parking at their own risk

But that isn't how Barack the Petty operates. Without consulting anyone at Mount Vernon, the Park Police wasted law enforcement time and taxpayer dollars erecting barriers that can only be described as vindictive.

Veterans, tourists, non-profit associations and other innocent bystanders are all hostage to Barack the Petty until he gets his way.

Michael Reagan is the son of former President Ronald Reagan and chairman of the League of American Voters. His blog appears on