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Disgusting! Obama administration tells park rangers to make life 'as difficult as possible' for visitors during shutdown

J.D. Heyes

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Oct. 8, 2013

(NaturalNews) Much of the mainstream news media is still depicting President Obama as the good guy in this so-called government shutdown (even though more than 80 percent of the government is still operating), but the fact is, the guy is proving once again that, in the words of long-time New York Times Chief Washington Correspondent David Sanger, he is a "control freak."

You won't hear about this on the nightly news or in the daily papers much, but Obama is doing his level best to make sure that the current partial shutdown is just as painful as he can make it to ordinary Americans. If hearing that surprises you, it shouldn't; he did the same thing when the recent sequester began.

'We've been told to make life as difficult for people as we can'

Per Wes Pruden over at The Washington Times:

President Obama is not a bad poker player, but the man with all the chips always starts with the advantage (and he gets all the aces). He has closed Washington down as tight as he dares, emphasizing the trivial and the petty in making life as inconvenient as he can for the greatest number. It's all in a noble cause, of course. Access to most of the memorials is limited, and often in curious ways. The Lincoln Memorial is easy to reach, with the streets around it remaining open. But the Martin Luther King Memorial is made difficult to reach, relegating it, you might say, to the back of the bus. Not very nice.

Included in these ridiculous "closures" is the World War II Memorial, as well as a number of streets "on mere whim" by the U.S. Park Service. According to Pruden, the government has even chosen to choke off the parking lot to Mount Vernon in Virginia, home to George Washington. Keep in mind that the home is not owned by the Feds; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies Society, so the government can't close off the home completely. But since the parking lots are co-owned with the ladies, Pruden says those have been targeted too by Park Rangers, not all of whom are happy with what they are being ordered to do.

"It's a cheap way to deal with the situation," said one angry Ranger of the harassment being dealt out to the general public, according to Pruden. "We've been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It's disgusting."

Disgusting is right. And unnecessary. But when even CNN tried to get some answers, their reporter was lambasted by Senate Majority Harry Reid, who completely turned on her.

'If you can help one child who has cancer, why wouldn't you do it?'

A few hours earlier, Reid had been on the Senate floor doing what he always does - blame Republicans. In this case, he blamed "the Republican-led shutdown" for cutting off funds to children receiving cancer care through the National Institutes of Health.

The reporter, CNN's Dana Bash, noted that the GOP-led House had passed legislation specifically funding the NIH's child cancer care, but that Reid blocked it and refused to bring it to the full Senate for a vote.

"If you can help one child who has cancer, why wouldn't you do it?" Bash asked.

A flummoxed Reid launched into her.

"Why would we want to do that?" he snapped. "I have 1,100 people at Nellis Air Force Base that are sitting home. They have a few problems of their own. This is - to have someone of your intelligence to suggest such a thing maybe means you're irresponsible and reckless."

Irresponsible and reckless, Harry? How about heartless and cruel for the actions you refused to take?
