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Obama's Strategy: Make it hurtMat

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Oct. 3, 2013

Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

President Obama’s plan to end the stalemate over the Continuing Resolution, the government shutdown, and ObamaCare’s funding is to use sheer Chicago-style bullying on the American people.

It is clear that he intends to make it hurt, or at least seem like it ought to hurt, until we say “Uncle,” and tell our representatives to back off.

But we have no intention of conceding this battle!  Many analysts are now saying our position improves as we get closer to the October 15 debt ceiling deadline, and that this entire crisis is now likely to be “bundled” into a single fiscal issue.

Meanwhile, in day three of its debut, ObamaCare continues to implode on its own. The train wreck is well underway. Please see my strategic update below – Mat.


Andy (hungarian),

President Obama will not negotiate with Republicans. Instead, he relies on what his mentor, Saul Alinsky, taught him: Intimidate, manipulate, arm twist, fact twist, and ridicule.

Meanwhile, yesterday a small army of federal officers blockaded our national parks and monuments.  In Washington, a group of WWII veterans, with the help of several Members of the House of Representatives, took on the federal officers and the park police, storming the barricades to visit the memorial erected in their honor.


Today, the WWII Memorial is once again closed. Yet ObamaCare is open, although there are continuing widespread reports of inaccessibility and malfunctions.

As you may know, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that due to the government cutbacks, they are turning away hundreds of patients, including kids with cancer.

The House of Representatives offered the Senate a measure to fund NIH without any attached conditions. The Senate rejected the measure and Majority Leader Harry Reid said he wouldn’t entertain any “piecemeal offers.”

When a member of the press challenged Reid’s decision not to help kids with cancer, he responded, “Why would I want to do that?”  As usual, Harry Reid is confusing political considerations with the welfare of the American people.


Today, NIH will turn away patients. ObamaCare, of course, will accept new patients, although the number of actual enrollments is a closely guarded secret.

According to a report by Bloomberg…


Grocery stores on Army bases in the U.S. are closed. The golf course at Andrews Air Force base is open.

All 128 employees of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation are working, while 3,000 safety inspectors employed by the Federal Aviation Administration are off the job.”

It is little wonder that polls are reporting that Americans are fed up with the political process and are weary of the gridlock and non-functionality of our federal government in recent years.

++Expect more of the same old Obama divisiveness.

Mark my words; the Obama administration will do everything in its power to make the American people feel the brunt of the government shutdown.

The President promised that the shutdown would be painful and his administration will, of course, make sure it is so. Then, as he did with sequestration, he will blame and demonize his opponents to sway public opinion.

If you doubt this assessment, you can read the administration’s game plan in the pages of Saul Alinsky’s notorious book, “Rules for Radicals.” President Obama has mastered the art of divisive politics. In fact, he has all but perfected it. 


In yet another campaign-style speech this morning, President Obama once again blamed Tea Party Republicans for the shutdown – and promised a growing economy and more jobs if the shutdown ended.  This in spite of the fact that the administration has never done anything but kill jobs since it took office!

This same condescending, dismissive, and manipulative approach was used to force ObamaCare on Americans, and has been the Obama administration’s style during the entire course of its nearly five-year tenure. Prayerfully, Americans have become wise to these ploys.

++Liberty Counsel Action will not back down!

The truth about ObamaCare’s taxes, immoral mandates, abortion provisions, and government intrusions on our private healthcare decisions have been exposed, and Americans all across the nation are demanding that ObamaCare be Delayed, Defunded, and ultimately, Defeated.


This government slim-down, for now, is a small price to pay to avert the catastrophic cost if ObamaCare is fully implemented.

This is one of our best legislative efforts to date to pull the plug on ObamaCare. Together, we must embolden our elected officials to Stay the Course – and rid the nation of ObamaCare!

Even if you have done so before, please fax your Arizona legislators – and many more – encouraging them to stand strong and unified in the quest to rid the nation of ObamaCare…

++ObamaCare “glitches” are worse each day that passes.

Why would a government administration that couldn’t get the “glitches” worked out of the infamous Cash for Clunkers program believe that it could effectively take over and run one of our nation’s largest industries, among the most advanced in the world?


That concern eluded the Obama/Reid/Pelosi political machine when the strictly partisan votes were taken and ObamaCare was signed into law.

As was true on days 1 and 2 of ObamaCare’s roll-out, numerous reports on this third day of operation have emerged of widespread outages, system failures, and other “fatal error” problems as Americans tried accessing the ObamaCare exchanges.

Many of the nation’s leading computer security experts have all but guaranteed that the HHS systems will be hacked, compromised, or tampered with. Today, a report emerged that an ObamaCare exchange emailed 2,400 names with social security numbers and other vital information to a commercial insurance vendor!


HHS and other agencies are scrambling to fix the issues, but I believe that it will take months, if not years, to resolve all the problems. This massive program seems to be way over the administration’s head.

Imagine what will happen when the laughably misnamed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is fully implemented?

++The ObamaCare roll-out gets more outrageous as it progresses.

In one of the sadly comical events of the day, Tennessee’s exchange managers are reported to be offering free “ObamaCare Smart Phones” for anyone who enrolls!


New enrollees will get an LG Lucid 2.4G smart phone (or equivalent model), a phone plan and tech support, unlimited talk, unlimited texting, and 1.2GB of monthly data usage.

How is the Tennessee state exchange able to afford this extravagant sales inducement?  They received a federal loan of $73 million to cover the cost!

++Meanwhile, Harry Reid’s stranglehold on the Senate intensifies.

Harry Reid and his sycophants in the Senate are refusing to consider any bill the House produces on the CR unless it has no other provisions.  Refusing to consider any House amendments is the same as saying, “it’s our way or the highway.”

It will continue to take a massive grassroots effort and outcry from American citizens to get past Reid’s blockade.


Liberty Counsel Action says: No more Harry Reid stonewalling!

We must encourage our representatives to Stay the Course. Let’s keep up the pressure!  Please go here to help tear down Harry Reid’s wall of manipulation:

These lawmakers were elected to serve the American people and we are demanding accountability to do what we elected them to do – stop ObamaCare!

Please, even if you have done so before, go here to fax your message and keep the heat on our elected officials.  Everything you need is one click away:

Thank you for your endurance and God bless you!

Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. Obama, Reid, Pelosi and a host of additional elected representatives overtly and intentionally deceived the American people when ObamaCare was passed.

Now, the will of the American people MUST be heard and reflected by the United States Senate, an elected body whose job is one of representation!  It is no exaggeration to say that the very survival of our nation is at stake in this battle over who we are as a people.

Liberty Counsel Action will not give up on having the tax-laden, abortion-enhancing, fiscally disastrous ObamaCare law stricken from the laws of our land!  Please continue to stand with us:


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