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Obama Admits Public Doesn’t Want War, But Says He Knows Whats Best

JG Vibes

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Sept. 9, 2013

Obama recognizes that a war with Syria will be unpopular with the American people, but says that it is not their decision to make

The popular myth in America and most modern democracies is that the general population decides on important issues that effect their lives.  However the reality is very different from this myth.  In reality the general population has no say at all, their only options are to be persuaded by the politicians and get in line, or shut up and deal with it.

During a press conference at the G20 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, Obama admitted that a war in Syria would be unpopular with the public, saying that “It’s conceivable that, at the end of the day, I don’t persuade a majority of the American people that it’s the right thing to do.”

The fierce oposition to the war among the general population will be ignored as it always is, because the politicians believe that they know what is best for everyone.

“Each member of Congress is going to have to decide if [they] think it’s the right thing to do for America’s national security and the world’s national security,” Obama said. “Ultimately, you listen to your constituents, but you’ve got to make some decisions about what you believe is right for America.”

“I was elected to end wars and not start them,” Obama said. “But what I also know is that there are times where we have to make hard

choices if we’re going to stand up for the things that we care about. And I believe that this is one of those times.”

Obama Admits Public Doesn’t Want War, But Says He Knows Whats Best

Obama also told various blatant lies during the press conference, saying that there was a global consensus that the Assad regime used chemical weapons, when sources in many countries including Russia and China have produced evidence proving that it was the rebels who carried out these attacks.


JG Vibes is an investigative journalist, staff writer and editor.