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Robert Quinn

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July 18 2013

To America                                                                                              Feb.5,2013

Which of these names has the man residing in the White House been known by: Barry Soetoro, Barack Hussein Obama or Barack Obama? Answer:all of them. For which of them has he produced a valid birth certificate for the American Public to view? Answer:none of them.
                                                        WHITE HOUSE RESIDENT NOT OUR PRESIDENT
Sharing concerns of millions of Constitutional Defenders clamoring for truth about Barack Obama's Presidential eligibility, I submit the following not as theory but as fact about this issue which many politicians and media members are unaware of, ignore, suffer "don't rock the boat" syndrome, fear, or use pathetic arguments or responses to "wish" the issue away.
                                                           OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE-LEGITIMATE?
Obama initially refused to produce a valid Hawaiian Health Dept. Birth Certificate for scrutiny by anyone. Then, due to mounting pressure for transparency, in 2008 , a "supposed" legitimate birth certificate was posted on the Daily Kos website, and, for two years, Obama allowed it to serve the public as "proof of his eligibility. Actually, his "proof" was not a valid,long-form "Certificate of Live Birth", the only acceptable Hawaiian Birth Certificate for one seeking the Presidency, which required approx.41 bits of info, but was afraudulent "Certification of Live Birth", containing approx. 13 bits of info and noticeably missing the names of his birth hospital, doctor, birth witnesses,etc; info which could prove embarrassing. Obama, a former Constitutional teacher, knew it was inadmissable for Presidential aspirants yet deliberately deceived America! When it was later "branded" both inadmissable and fraudulent by experts he realized it no longer served his deception. Also,in 2010 States began movements to require all seeking the Presidency or Vice-Presidency(including incumbents) to produce a valid "Certificate of Live Birth(long form) for the 2012 elections. No problem for Obama. In April, 2011 he simply announced the Hawaiian Health Dept.,two years late, had located his long-form "Certificate of Live Birth", a document previously unseen, unmentioned and unused by him to confirm his eligibility. Consider-when he stated in 2008 that his "Certification of Live Birth" matched the hospital copy (if one existed) it meant if one was foundfraudulent both were fraudulent. A slip-up of  enormous implication since his copy was such. Obama's 2011 "find" prompted General Colin Powell(ret.) to tell South Carolina Univ. graduates that he "personally enjoyed when President Obama took out his birth certificate copy and blew away Donald Trump and all the birthers." What an insulting and uninformed remark. What Obama "took out" was his fraudulent "long-form Certificate of Live Birth" The General's blind acceptance of it was followed by his ignoring an offer by the "Birthers Summit" organization of $15,000 to allow them three hours to challenge Obama's 2011 copy and hear the General's response. It's odd that some people are very self-assured when speaking to a friendly crowd yet silent when challenged. An examination by computer experts resulted in this2011 "find" also being declared fraudulent. Conclusion-criminal action beyond doubt! Add to this Obama's hiding from view, at any cost, any records bearing his name or names(social security, passport,school,birth hospital,etc.) which could incriminate him. So much for his boast of "transparency". Remember, the only copies he allowed the Public to view were later declared "fraudulent". Anyone with a valid birth certificate in their hospital records from years ago who needed it to satisfy the Nation would immediately release it to remove any doubt of their legitimacy, not allow 100 lawsuits to follow. Obama, however, chose deception over disclosure. Job security was his foremost aim, not early retirement and possible incarceration.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                                                                WHAT PRICE PRESIDENTIAL TREASON ?
Terrence Lakin, a faithful Army officer who rose to Lt.Colonel, while preparing for a second tour of duty in Afghanistan began to doubt Obama's eligibility after learning of millions challenging it. True to his oath to defend The Constitution Col.Lakin dutifully went through military channels for confirmation of Obama's status to no avail, then twice wrote directly to Obama, receiving no responses. For refusing the second tour until Obama responded, Col.Lakin was court-martialed, dishonorably discharged, lost all pay and benefits and spent five months imprisoned in Fort Leavenworth,Kansas. Truly, an injustice calling for vindication. Meanwhile, Obama appeared on TV shows, college campuses,campaign trails, golf courses,etc.but made no time for a decorated war veteran who, in sharp contrast, set aside not 18 holes but 18 years for his Country; who only sought a confirmation of Obama's authority to lead our Nation. A simple request except that the truth, if revealed, would collapse Obama's house of cards, something he couldn't allow. Remember his words (Newsday-LI,NY paper) on Aug.22,2010:"The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are those with something to hide." That aptly describes Obama, who has spent millions and destroyed lives to keep his true identity secret. For upholding his sworn oath,Col.Lakin lost everything(but gained the admiration of many), while Obama, ignoring his sworn oath to defend The Constitution, stole the Presidency, sacrificing the Colonel in the process. Since the court-martial, I now believe the blindfolded Scales of Justice not as signifying impartiality but as concealing shame and sorrow over that military proceeding, particularly since the presiding officer, Major General Carla Hawley-Bowland, would not allow Col. Lakin to introduce any Obama records in his defense "lest they prove embarrassing to the President." (her words. The only embarrassment would have been if Obama's words and actions confirmed the Colonel's concerns. When did embarrassment replace truth?++++++++++++++++++++++++
                                                                 MORE DISGRACEFUL COURTROOM DISMISSALS
Recently, Circuit Court Judge Kevin Carroll (Leon County, Florida) dismissed a lawsuit challenging Obama's eligibility with a pathetic twist of reasoning:"The Court notes that President Obama lives in the White House, flies on Air Force One, appears before Congress, delivers State of the Union addresses and meets with Congressional leaders on a regular basis and appoints ambassadors",etc. Does the Judge really believe that simply living in the White House and enjoying the "perks" confirms Obama's eligibility? His actions simply provided false respectability for his deception. Most people committing fraudulent impersonations don't hide themselves-they hide, or falsify anything which might expose their duplicity, as Obama has done for more than four years. That's why we have had 100 lawsuits seeking the truth. If Judge Carroll looked back in history to the Revolutionary War he would have  read how General Benedict Arnold, after lawfully taking command of West Point, accepted the privileges and the honored obligations accorded because of a previously determined military eligibility. This allowed him to live on the premises, travel on Continental Army horses, appear before Congress, deliver State of the Army addresses and meet with Continental leaders on an irregular basis(wartime,you know). Though he couldn't appoint ambassadors he did correspond with the British. Of course, we know what that was about....surrendering West Point!. Arnold's treason immediately voided all his rights and privileges, including living on the premises. Obama's treason, however, began before the 2008 election with his fraudulent birth certificate, making him immediately ineligible to even seek the Office of President, no less to reside in the White House or enjoy any other privileges reserved for eligible recipients, yet Obama refuses to acknowledge that an ineligible President is just that....ineligible!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Georgia Deputy Chief Michael Malihi subpoened Obama to appear in court with a valid birth certificate or suffer contempt. In response, Obama showed his contempt for the court by ignoring the judge's order and his attorney even wrote to the judge that neither Obama nor the lawfirm would appear....and they didn't. The judge then warned that he would take testimony solely from the plaintiff, but, in a rapid reversal, he disregarded all evidence, including the testimony of Paul Irey, a man with thirty years of Adobe computer document knowledge as not being satisfactory and dismissed the complaint. Of particular note, the judge took no action against Obama for ignoring the subpoena! For the record, Obama's attorneys nationwide have never brought birth certificates into any courtroom.
Federal Judge James Robertson (Wash.,D.C. dismissed an earlier lawsuit as follows: "The issue of the President's citizenship was raised,vetted,blogged,texted, twittered and otherwise massaged by America's vigilant citizenry during Mr.Obama's two year campaign for the presidency." When I read his decision I wrote(copying him)"America's vigilant citizenry doesn't vet presidential candidates; a special committee does. Also, blogging, texting,etc.only passes on messages from one to another". Our courts no longer are interpreting the law. They are writing it. I guess the judges reply was lost in the mail.
                                                  ARE GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS TOO COSTLY FOR OBAMA TO ACCEPT?
Globe Magazine offered Obama one hundred thousand dollars to help African-American students financially for higher education if he provided a valid birth certificate to the American Public since the prior documents released were both fraudulent birth certificates. Also, Donald Trump recently offered five million dollars with similar conditions. Obama chose silence as his reply to both offers. Why? Because he knew "transparency" would end his political career, and more.
                                                      WHEN WAS OBAMA BORN?
Let's ask the doctor, the hospital, the witnesses....anybody. Here is what inquiries have uncovered. No one in Hawaii can identify the birth doctor; no Hawaiian hospital will confirm Obama's birth there, including Obama's personal choice, Kapi'lani Medical Center;Hawaiian Gov.Neil Abercrombie went to the Health Dept. to retrieve a copy of Obama's birth certificate and returned empty-handed. The score, so far: Our side 3-Obama's side o,(not counting his 2 "fraudie's")
                                                        HYPOCRISY PERSONIFIED
  Barack Obama, who will not release any documents(valid birth certificate, social security records,etc) to confirm his Presidential eligibility, had the effrontery during the 2012 election race to publically state that Mitt Romney should release twelve years of tax returns, in the interest of "transparency", saying"those seeking the White House must know their life is an open book." Open book! This from a man who won't even allow page one of his open book to be viewed by anyone! Had Romney offered to "trade" his tax returns for a valid birth certificate from Obama our current Presidents surname would begin with "R"-not with "O".+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                                                          MEDIA SILENCE-DEAFENING.
When Bill O'Reilly of Fox News tells viewers "we're looking out for you" he should look not only with open eyes but an open mind. To constantly use the term "birthers" in a sarcastic, derogatory manner, when referring to Defenders of the Constitution, shows a closed mind at work. When he mentioned two Hawaiian Newspaper announcements of Obama's birth he assumed that's all he needed to confirm Obama's eligibility. Had he or his staff done their homework they would have realized that families routinely sent birth announcements to Newspapers for publishing and they were accepted without challenge. In so doing, obtaining a limited "Certification of Live Birth" could allow a child to become a naturalized(not natural-born) citizen, vote,drive a car,but....not a Nation. Virtually every Major Media Outlet has maintained silence about the eligibility trials, including the shameful one which Col.Lakin endured. Even now, on Feb 15,2013, Dr.Orly Taitz, an attorney and Constitutional fighter if ever there was one, will be in our Nation's Supreme Court arguing for exposure of Obama's monumental deception. Will MSNBC,CNN,FOX NEWS and all the others remain silent in the hope that they don't have to report that "our president is out of his office...indefinitely?
When Sheriff Joseph Arpaio of Arizona sent a team to Hawaii to confirm Obama's hospital records they returned saying they received little cooperation from the Hawaiian Health Dept., yet, what they found pointed to fraudulent documents beyond doubt. At their later Press conference the few Media representatives were more concerned with the team's motives for going to Hawaii than their findings.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                                                              IF YOU DON't 'BUY' IT....RIOT ?
I have heard some speak of rioting in the streets if Obama is removed from Office for being found ineligible. Why? If someone other than an Afro-American had been found guilty of stealing the Presidency should their fellow nationals be praised for advocating riots? Not by me, and, I believe, not by America's fair-minded individuals of all races.+++++++++++++
                                                               AM I RACIALLY DRIVEN?
I am Caucasian, yet was ready to vote for "colorful" Herman Cain after hearing what he stood for, until he dropped out of the Presidential race. Although not reflected in my yearly eye exams I consider myself, thanks to my Faith and Family, color-blind. Many Afro-Americans accept my "issue" e-mails and I relish theirs. Never concerned about Obama's race, I am very concerned about his bankrupt morality, as, for example, saying"he had no problem if an aborted infant was left to die if it survived the abortion" ;when he deliberately used or created fraudulent documents to hijack our Presidency or last, but not least, when his current attempts, as with Obamacare, are meant to substitute his immoral laws for our Faith-given teachings.
                                                                Supreme Court-Feb.15,2013
On the above date our Nation's highest court will hear arguments against Barack Obama's Presidential eligibility by Dr.Taitz. Much more than the contents herein will be presented by her. I believe even Sherlock Holmes, based on the evidence, would conclude:Dear members of the Court-Obama is guilty as sin. An open and shut case unless two members of your Court, Justices Sotomayer and Kagan are recused or recuse themselves for both were nominated for your court by Obama or,if not,I pray that their fidelity to truth shines brightly in the courtroom.
Recalling a wise adage,"If we don't stand for something we'll fall for anything" I humbly pray that, if we do fall we land on our knees, a fitting position if our earthbound Supreme Courts deserts us.
With prayerful affection......Robert Quinn
bcc: all nine members of the Supreme Court   
bcc:all on my e-mail list
help for Dr.Orly Taitz:   tel:949-683-5411