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Humpday Humor: 'Did you hear about the Obama administration scandal?'


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June 27, 2013

Sad to think that this doesn’t even scratch

the surface of their many crimes.

Feel free to add your own scandals and pass it



Bob: “Did you hear about the Obama

administration scandal?”

Jim: “You mean the Mexican gun


Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “You mean SEAL Team 6 Extortion 17

and deaths?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “You mean the State Dept. lying

about Benghazi?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “You mean the rampant voter


Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “You mean the military not getting

their votes counted?” 

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “You mean that 3 or 4 of Obama’s Gay

boyfriends were mysteriously MURDERED when they came forward with claims he

was gay too?”

Bob: “No, the other one.

Jim: “You mean the president demoralizing

and breaking down the military?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “You mean the Boston Bombing?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls,

e-mails and everything else?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “You mean the president wanting to

kill Americans with drones in our own country without the benefit of the


Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “Giving 123 Technologies $300

Million and right after it declared bankruptcy it was sold to the


Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “You mean the president arming the

Muslim Brotherhood?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The IRS targeting


Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The DOJ spying on the press?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “Sebelius shaking down health

insurance executives?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “Giving SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION

DOLLARS and right after they

declared bankruptcy 3 months later the Chinese bought it?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: ” Do you mean the Illegal obamacare


Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “Do you mean ignoring our

constitutional rights?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls,

e-mails and everything else?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The president’s ordering the

release of nearly 10,000 illegal immigrants from jails and prisons and

falsely blaming the sequester?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The president’s unconstitutional

threat to impose gun control by Executive Order in order to bypass


Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The president’s repeated violation

of the law requiring him to submit a budget no later than the first Monday in


Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The 2012 vote where 115% of all

registered voters in some

counties voted 100% for Obama?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The president’s unconstitutional

recess appointments in an

attempt to circumvent the Senate’s advise-and-consent role?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “The State Department interfering

with an Inspector General

investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “HHS employees being given insider

information on Medicare Advantage?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “Clinton, the IRS, Clapper and

Holder all lying to Congress?”

Bob: “No, the other one.”

Jim: “I give up! … Oh wait, I think I

got it! You mean that 65

million low-information voters stuck us again with the most corrupt

administration in American history?”