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Video: This Message Is Vital! Camp FEMA 2013 Obama Youth Army MUST SEE


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June 21, 2013

Watch this video, and stop believing the lies that ”the anointed one” tells you.

And we encourage the prosecution of  African militia leaders for having child soldiers.  Is it not ironic?
Video This Message Is Vital! Camp FEMA 2013 Obama Youth Army MUST SEE
Nikita Khrushchev said it decades ago:  “You Americans are so stupid that we can spit in your eye
and you think it is falling dew.”
Most Americans still do not get the picture.  Obama has placed numerous Marxists, Socialists and  Revolutionists in key positions in the government, including the ”czars” he has appointed, who will
run the country (like in the old Soviet Union) after the coup which is underway, right under your nose.
You know nothing about this “president” who has never even produced a valid birth certificate.  To the contrary, numerous document and computer graphic experts have sworn that the two birth certificates exhibited by the White House are clearly fraudulent.   Is his father the revolutionary Muslim from Kenya, Africa — Barack  Hussein Obama?   Or is it Frank Marshal Davis — a  known Red from Chicago, who was sent to Hawaii to be the chief communist organizer for that state, and was young Barack’s mentor for some time while he had an affair with Barack’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.
Obama has used several Social Security numbers.  His present one belonged to man from Connecticut who died in Hawaii.  When you check this number by e-verify, it comes up invalid.  His draft registration is missing from the federal files, as is the passport he used when he traveled to Indonesia, Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan when he was an alleged student.  Where are these documents?  What was he doing there?  Who paid for his travel?   And all of this is only the beginning.   The truth is — Obama was a Manchurian Candidate; and with clever propaganda, massive vote fraud, a stupid and gullible electorate, and a “get my free stuff” attitude on the part of millions, he was “elected.”
The massive computer data banks are now built and running.  Every email, you send, every Google search you initiate, every telephone call you make, are recorded, stored and cross filed.   DHS (a civilian agency) has purchased billions of rounds of personnel killing ammo.  Who is this ammo to be used on?  Hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins are in storage (the pictures are readily available).  Who are these for? Numerous detention centers are already enclosed in barbed wire.  Laws have been passed and policies established that you can be picked up by a government agent and incarcerated indefinitely — without any charges, no lawyer, no trial; and like with the KGB, you will not be seen again.  You can even be killed on the personal decision of Obama.  He likes to go to the White House situation room and make those decisions.   Anyone who is not aware of all this is living in a fantasy world, and is oblivious to current events.
What will it take to wake up the American people and get them concerned.  And then what will it take to get them off their lazy, apathetic, fat posteriors and start defending their country and their freedom.   If a sufficient number do not change, we all will pay a terrible price.  Holy Scripture warns us: “And they did not understand until the flood came and swept them away.”  And again:  ”For want of vision the people perish.”  And in Joel 2:17 we read the final prayer:  “O Lord, spare thy people . . . that the Heathen should rule over them.”    The Heathen and his demons are now in power, and they are indeed ruling over us.  We have babies being butchered by the millions, open and approved sodomy in the armed forces, legalized same-sex marriage, perverts (homosexuals and lesbians) being glorified, Christianity under attack, and in-your-face corruption in the government.
You may not like this commentary, but you should be very concerned.  —  Dr .  John G.


Gov’t Activating FEMA Camps Across Nation & 30,000 Gulliotines Purchased! – June 2013
