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White House Chief of Staff: 'Privacy' is a Privilege

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June 16, 2013

Denis McDonough: Obama does not feel Americans’ privacy has been violated

Denis McDonough explained on Face The Nation that the President does not view his illegal surveillance program to be a privacy violation. Obviously, Barack Obama has a different view of what privacy is:

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough defended the Obama administration’s sweeping surveillance efforts Sunday, saying President Obama does not believe the tactics have violated the privacy of any American, as he signaled the president will be elaborating on the issue in the coming days.

“Well, I think you’ll hear the president talk about this in the days ahead,” McDonough said on CBS’s “Face The Nation.” He later added: “You’ll hear what he said when he responded to reporters last week on this question, which is we do have to find the right balance, especially in this new situation where we find ourselves with all of us reliant on Internet, on e-mail, on texting.”

“Does the president feel that he has violated the privacy of any American?” asked CBS’s Bob Schieffer.

“He does not,” responded McDonough.

via Denis McDonough: Obama does not feel Americans’ privacy has been violated.