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May 28, 2013

The king of double speak, President Obama, has just admitted that he has no intention of keeping Americans safe from Islamist aggression here or abroad. This should come as a tremendous comfort to terrorism’s big money backers. Saudi Arabia and Qatar will no longer have to worry about the Obama Administration getting in the way of their terror financing and global Islamic aspirations.

I am referring to Sheik Obama’s recent National Security speech.


Over the last 5 years, Obama has gone to great lengths to shield and encourage aggressive Islamist influence inside the United States and elsewhere. Nothing is an act of terror unless Obama says so. No one is our enemy unless the boy King proclaims it so and anyone who says different find himself or herself vilified, investigated and harassed by federal authorities. Unless of course they are Muslims. Granted access to the highest levels of government, Muslims now help shape Obama’s new anti-American national security policies.

Do not be fooled by the token drone strike or the alleged masterful use of special operations to eradicate terrorism’s leaders. If the missiles fired are not finding targets in Saudi Arabia and Qatar chances are the Sunni leaders of global Islamic terrorism are directing them

The people with the RPG’s and AK-47’s have never really been the big problem. It is the people who provide the money to recruit, train, arm and execute small and large offensives in the Islamist war on US Judeo-Christian freedoms and liberty. The same people who escaped criminal responsibility for the 911 attacks. Saudi Arabia and Qatar’s terrorism sponsors that direct Obama’s Islamic appeasement strategy and anti-American foreign policy. That is the problem.

Obama’s true loyalties were on display a few days ago.  He does not surprise me. Neither will the predictable gullibility of the ignorant masses who believe his lies.  After all, government paychecks and handouts buy a lot of misguided loyalty from those that conveniently proclaim executive branch criticism as racially motivated.

Obama’s regurgitated shift from combat operations to intelligence and law enforcement based terrorism opposition is another deception.

Obama ended operations in Iraq only to fuel the growth of Islamist insurgency that is tearing Iraq apart. He publicly ordered the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, but the Taliban continue the fight. Obama wants America to believe that Al Qaeda is no longer a threat, a ”shell of its former self” and Muslim Brotherhood appeasement is now beneficial to US national security interests. Yet America is excoriated as one country after another is being radicalized by a re-packaged Al-Qaeda and it‘s affiliates. Moreover, all over the world, Islam is destroying Christian houses of worship and enslaving or murdering its faithful as its violent Sharia influences spread. Not a peep about this in Obama’s National Security address. No outrage. No condemnation for these unprovoked attacks on non-believers. Just talk about closing Gitmo and setting Islamists free.

For five years, Obama has attacked American traditions and snapped to attention when Islamic influences cry foul. Somehow, Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon bombing and citywide lockdown, Americans murdered on US soil in Libya by Al Qaeda and the global Islamic attacks on Christian faithful seem to escape our myopic President. Treasonous Islamic activism is at an all time high in America. Yet our Justice Department has not only ignored it, but also embraced it.

Obama’s loyalties are no longer debatable.

Make no mistake the threat of Islamic jihad—both violent and stealth—has never been higher in America. The war waged on America by Islam started long before the first World Trade Center bombing. It will continue until our enemies have destroyed our economy and reshaped American law. The only people who could possibly believe different are Islamists themselves or people on their payroll.