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The Case For Impeachment

Bruce Walker - American Thinker

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May 21, 2013

See also:Never Mind Impeachment; Keep your Eyes on the Prize

How ought Republicans to respond to the growing list of indefensible abuses of power by Barack Obama?  Consider what he has done.  Obama has created the virtual equivalent of an “enemies list” and used the federal government to persecute these opponents of his plans.  Obama has repeatedly and transparently lied to the American people about the misdeeds of his lackeys and his knowledge of those misdeeds.  Obama has hidden behind a gaggle of subordinates whose responses to questions sound like the “…to the best of my knowledge at this point in time…” mantra which Richard Nixon’s lieutenants recited when called before the House Judiciary Committee in 1974.


Barack Obama committed precisely the sort of “high crimes and misdemeanors” which the Founding Fathers intended to be cause for impeachment.  Republicans, who control the House of Representatives, should begin the process of investigating whether Obama should be impeached.


Some conservatives will wince at this approach.  They will recall the craven Senate Republicans who effectively acquitted Bill Clinton even before his Senate trial began.  The 1998 midterm election, which provided modest gains to Democrats, has been taken as proof that Americans did not want Clinton impeached.


But the wrongdoings of Barack Obama are qualitatively different from the wrongdoings of Bill Clinton.  Much of what Clinton did involved sexual misconduct and subsequent lying about that misconduct.  Hillary was the principal offended party, and she wanted power more than any moral vindication of the Clintons’ very strange marriage.  What would have happened if Hillary had divorced Bill and denounced him to America?  He well may have been forced out of office, but even so, his offenses related to personal misconduct that hurt individuals.

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