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Obama blames Mexican gun violence on Second Amendment; fails to mention Eric Holder ran Fast and Furious

J.D. Heyes

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May 8, 2013

(NaturalNews) Barack Obama can't seem to make an appearance on the international stage without blaming America for all of the host nation's troubles. The latest example of this disgraceful behavior comes as part of a grotesquely ironic and hypocritical display in Mexico, where the president shamelessly pinned Mexican gun violence on the United States, but never uttered a single word about how his own administration is, in large part, responsible for it.

During a May 3 speech to Mexican university students, Obama dusted over the issue of drug violence to infer that, were it not for American guns, Mexico's numerous cartels would be much kinder and gentler or, at least, not as well-armed.

Per Reuters:

Drug-fueled violence in Mexico is not entirely the fault of the Mexican people, he said. Instead, the United States shares the blame because much of the violence is centered around the Americans' demand for illegal drugs and the fact that guns are smuggled into Mexico from the United States.

"In this relationship there is no senior partner or junior partner. We are two equal partners, two sovereign nations that must work together in mutual interest and mutual respect," Obama said.

What unbelievable hubris, to say nothing of revisionist history.


One of the many administration scandals getting a pass

But the hypocrisy did not stop there. Continuing, Obama actually vowed to jail American gun smugglers - an act that has been illegal in the U.S. for some time but which, according to his "see no evil" approach, does not apply to members of his own government:

"We recognize that most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States...we'll keep increasing the pressure on the gun traffickers who bring illegal guns into Mexico, and we'll keep putting these criminals where they belong - behind bars," he lectured.

Let's review - because you can bet Obama's enablers in the mainstream media sure aren't going to revisit this huge scandal.

Obama told Mexican university students he will continue to jail American gun smugglers ("we'll keep putting these criminals where they belong - behind bars"), but he conveniently left out of his speech the fact that he asserted executive privilege regarding documents tied to the Justice Department's botched "Operation Fast and Furious," a "gun-walking" scheme concocted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in collusion with Justice in which agents allowed guns purchased in the U.S. by straw buyers to "walk" across the border into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

The operation was run out of the Phoenix ATF office. The aim was to trace the weapons once they were obtained by cartels but the operation failed dismally. It began in the fall of 2009 and only ended in December 2010 after Border Patrol agency Brian Terry was murdered by one of the guns in Arizona.

Since then, more than 300 deaths in Mexico have been linked to Fast and Furious guns; hundreds are still mission. Worse, no one within the Justice Department has been held accountable for this heinous operation, and no one has said who developed it or who approved it.

It goes further. There is evidence to suggest that the entire botched operation was going to be used to promote new, tighter gun control laws ( There is also much evidence showing knowledge of the operation went to the upper levels of DOJ and other departments, but of course, Attorney General Eric Holder - who Obama has worked to shield from subsequent congressional inquiries - has claimed he was in the dark about the entire operation.

Obama taking no responsibility

In March 2009, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the Mexican government nearly the same thing the president recently said:

Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade. Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the deaths of police officers, soldiers and civilians.

A month later, like a broken record, Obama reiterated Clinton's accusations:

This war is being waged with guns purchased not here, but in the United States. More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that line our shared border.

As reports have said, however, the vast majority of guns in Mexico do not come from the U.S. (

This president and his administration have blood on their hands, and much of it is Mexican blood. To hear him blame "American guns" in the context in which he used, without taking any responsibility for his administration's own actions, is criminal.

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