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Obama: 'I Am Constrained By A System That Our Founders Put In Place'

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April 9, 2013

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This takes ordinary chutzpah to unseen levels. Nevertheless, the average American will 100% think that Obongo is on there side, and only wants what's best for them. The American people really do deserve everything that is happening to them right now, and everything that is planned for them in the future.


You just cannot be that brain-dead, and expect to be treated fairly, or for the government to not view you as needing to be gotten rid of as a useless eater.

Thankfully we have Joseph Stalin as the clearest example in history of just how murderous a government can become; all made possible by a people who did not even try to defend themselves, a people that set in their homes quaking in fear, "knowing that all around them Stalin's death squads were rounding up their neighbors, and entire cities, all taken to work camps in Siberia, their fate sealed in the arrival of their final destination where death was often looked upon as a welcome respite from the constant fear, and unimaginable terror". 

Do you really think that the American people, in their current dumbed downed state, coupled with how desperate their world is becoming, and will become after the International DC Federal Cretans are unexpectedly unleashed on them, "the same as the Ukrainians were descended upon by the Jew Bolsheviks",  that they will respond any differently?  American is ran by murdering psychopaths from the top down, bottom up, and the only reason why this is still the case is because the people that they direct and control, keep acting like expendable sheep. --RR