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Obama supporters wildly ignorant about Obama; $100 offered to any person who can correctly answer three of five questions

J.D. Heyes

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Feb. 8, 2013

(NaturalNews) To millions of his supporters, President Obama is a cult figure who can do no wrong. Some have even speculated that many supporters wouldn't care if they witnessed him committing a felony.

But as much as they worship him, scores of Obama's supporters don't know very much about the man they idolize. This was brilliantly demonstrated recently by a group called We Are Change, a play on Obama's first-term "hope and change" campaign. Members of the group traveled to Washington, D.C. to attend Obama's second inauguration; while there, they "we hosted a quiz show where we offered $100 to anyone who could correctly answer three out of five questions about the man they were there supporting," the group said.

Well, they got the name of his children right - mostly

"This was an opportunity for us to possibly educate some people on things his administration has done that they were most likely unaware of. Unfortunately, most people were more concerned about the money than some of the things they learned about their president," said the group.

The group produced a video in which "hosts" of the "game show" asked inaugural attendees questions about the president; anyone who answered three out of five of them correctly would be given a $100 bill.

Some questions were fairly basic: "Can you name one of President Obama's daughters?" but not everyone was able to answer it correctly. One "player" said "Chelsea," but then realized that was the name of President Bill Clinton's daughter (that player eventually admitted he did not know the name of any of Obama's children).

Another question dealt with domestic policy: "Did President Obama repeal or extend the Patriot Act?" Again, some players answered correctly (he extended it); others did not. But in addition to asking the question, the game hosts also asked what the players thought about the domestic spying the act authorizes. Here, some said they had no problems with it but again, others said the law authorized too much spying. "There's no privacy anymore," one player observed.

A follow-up question focused on foreign policy and, in particular, drone strikes on American citizens. The hosts asked the players "how many American citizens were killed by U.S. drone strikes?" The correct answer is three; the hosts went on to point out that, under the administration of a president who prides himself on being a constitutional law professor, three American citizens have been assassinated - killed outright - with no regard for due process of law.

All of the players featured in the video got this question wrong; most of them answered "none."

No such thing as an 'informed' Obama voter?

Continuing on the foreign policy line of questioning, the hosts then asked: "How many countries did the Obama administration bomb using drones?" Under Obama - the man who deeply criticized the "interventionist" foreign policy of his predecessor, George W. Bush, has used drones to attack six countries during his reign. Again, none of the players answered correctly (one particular gentlemen who was close on a number of his answers guessed eight). The countries are Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Iraq and Somalia, according to Bush, meanwhile, used drones to strike only four countries (but granted, the global war on terror that the Obama administration says doesn't exist anymore has expanded under his watch).

The final question was one of Obama's "greatest hits," so to speak, and one that should alarm all Americans, regardless of their political slant: "What is the NDAA, the official law that Barack Obama put into place on December 30, 2011?" (Regular Natural News readers know the law is known as the National Defense Authorization Act, and it grants the U.S. military the "legal" right to conduct secret kidnappings of U.S. citizens, followed by indefinite detention, interrogation, torture and even murder, as editor-in-chief Mike Adams has noted.)

No player got the question right.

No player won a $100 bill.

Worse, no player seemed even remotely educated about these important constitutional issues, meaning the mainstream media has completely shirked its duty as a stalwart government watchdog (you know, like when Bush was in office).

