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Media Blackout: Air Force General Blows Whistle on Obama

The Right Planet

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FW:  Jan. 11, 2013

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

“If an Air Force general blows the whistle on the Obama White House, does anyone in the media hear the corruption?”

(—A United States Air Force general is blowing the whistle on another alleged White House scandal, but few in the news media seem to be listening.

According to General William Shelton, the commanding officer of U.S. Air Force’s space command, he was told to alter his testimony before the House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Strategic Forces regarding an Obama White House attempt to award a defense contract to the Lightsquared firm.

Lightsquared is a high-tech company doing business in Virginia that’s owned by billionaire Philip Falcone, an Obama friend and campaign contributor.

Read more at the

 (Posted Dec. 31, 2012)