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Obama & Buffett: A Love Story

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Nov. 28, 2012

The Nebraska Capitalist and the Chicago Communist


2008: The "Oracle of Omaha" tells the Financial TV shows how great Obama is.
In 2008, Nebraska based investor Warren Buffett endorses Barack Obama. This gives Obama much needed protective political cover. People reason that if the "capitalist" Buffett supports Obama, then he can't be that bad.
The Burlington Railroad is Buffett's biggest acquistion ever!
In 2009, Warren Buffett's investment company, Berkshire Hathaway, purchases the Burlington-Northern railroad outright, to the tune of 34 Billion!
Buffett's secretary (left) is used as a shameless prop during Obama's State of the Union address.
Obama loves to cite "The Buffett Rule" (tax hike on rich investors) to add credibility to his own class warfare rhetoric. Obama even goes so far as to borrow Buffett's secretary as a prop during a State of the Union speech.
The Keystone pipeline would cut into Buffett's action!
In order to transport its oil down to Texas refineries, the Trans-Canada oil company proposes the construction of "the Keystone Pipeline" pipeline. It is estimated that this project will create 20,000 jobs.
Buffet front man, Dick Holland, set up a phony envoronmentalist group to attack the Pipeline deal!

Bold Nebraska, an environmentalist group, begins agitating against the pipeline deal. Bold Nebraska's founding donor (string puller) is Richard Holland - a Berkshire Hathaway business associate and friend of 40 years to Warren Buffet!


Berkshire / Burlington spokeperson Krista York-Wooley was eager to haul Canada's oil!


"If Keystone doesn’t happen, we’re here to haul.”  

 - Krista York-Wooley, Communications Director, Burlington Northern




"Mr. President. I don't think this pipeline is a good idea."
Inexplicably, Obama kills the pipeline. The oil will have to be transported on Buffett's railroad! Compared to pipelines, railway transportation is costlier and  wastes energy!
The "Medal of Freedom" for a sociopathic money junkie?
The monopolistic capitalist and the Marxist demagogue actually have much in common. Both are CONTROL FREAKS! One hand washes the other!