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Scared Of A Coup?

Aaron Cantor USAF (ret)

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Nov. 14, 2012

Eyes on Washington

Perhaps it is just me, but all of a sudden more and more flag rank officers are being dragged into the pit of suspicion for this affair or that infraction, but what it appears to be is a purge of any officers who might be harboring thoughts of a possible Military Coup D’ETAT, something the current Usurper occupying the White House is scared to death of.
You keep on being scared Obama, you think you have gotten over on the American People, but you have, in fact, gone too far and this obvious voter fraud you have tried to pull off to stay in power is the beginning of your undoing.
Did you actually think that anyone would swallow 100% of the vote in 59 voting districts of one city, or108% turnout in another? You kind of overdid it you idiot, not even Joe Stalin in Russia could get away with that except at the point of a gun.
I will be interested to see what your next stunt is going to be.
You lied and people died, which is becoming clearer each and every day.
You might want to consider saving your skinny butt by resigning before you get Perp Walked out the front door of our White House in cuffs.
If you think the Military (en masse) is upset with you for making sure their votes were rerouted and/or delivered a day late so as not to be counted, you don’t know the half of it, of course that would take brains enough to tie your own shoe laces, which I don’t think you have the capacity to do without your puppet master speaking into your ear piece to tell you how.
The fact that forty states now have filed petitions to secede from the Union, should give even a mental midget like you some clue as to how high the sentiment is running in the country against you and your unelected Czars, and the other Step n Fechits you have surrounded yourself with.
To put it in Valerie Jerrett’s words, payback will be a bitch.
Your idiotic policies have brought this once great nation to the brink of ruin (due to your incompetency), I say incompetency because you have never even run a Lemonade Stand (community organizer/read that rabble rouser doesn’t count), so whatever gave you the idea that you could run a country and an economy as large as ours?
I would suggest you start looking for a rat hole to crawl into and hide, because once the dam breaks, there will be a lot of folks looking for you, and not because they love you, a 9 X 11 cell will be a lot different than the White House, and having been a correctional supervisor in a major penitentiary, I can assure you the diet won’t be to your liking.
I have heard some folks put forth the idea of shipping you to an Arabic/Sharia country however, I don’t think you would find a great deal of acceptance there either, and besides as long as we have you in a cell we will always know where you are 24/7/ 365.