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Pelosi May Quit House Leadership Role

Todd Beamon

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Nov. 13, 2012

Nancy Pelosi suggested on Tuesday that she’ll announce her decision on whether she’ll remain House Minority Leader on Wednesday.

“While I love you all very dearly, I thought maybe I would talk to my own caucus before I shared that information with you,” Pelosi said during a news conference at the Capitol, the Daily Caller reports.

She then added, laughing, “I’ll see you tomorrow at 10, for those of who you are interested.”

Pelosi, 72, who has served as Democratic leader for 10 years, tried to be optimistic about the Democrats not winning control of the U.S. House of Representatives on Election Day.

“They are extraordinary leaders who will make our House Democratic caucus the first caucus, in the history of civilized government, to have a majority of women and minorities,” Pelosi said.

Minority Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland is believed to be the most likely replacement for Pelosi if she steps down, The Caller reports.

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